CLOSED. OK? OK. Kamikara High School! (神から) (It means "From God") -Thank you Lemons for the name recommendation. :) Ready to start your life as a high school student? :sun Cs: Name: Age: Grade: Appearance (Preferably a picture): Bio (Optional): Characters: [hider=Illusion] Name: Hotaru Takano Age: 15 Grade: 1st year Appearance: [img=] [/hider] [hider=Grey] Name: Naoki Kazuhiko Age:16 Grade: 2nd Year Appearance: [img=] Bio: Meet your Student Council President, everybody. An otaku who spends more time reading the quality works of Shounen Jump rather than textbooks, and often makes comparisons between real life scenarios and things he's seen in media. Somehow he can maintain his position and a rather lofty grade point average with a rather unnatural effort-to-success ratio. He's kind of a weirdo. Fortunately (Unfortunately?), he has no dark, mysterious, anime-esque backstory to speak of, but apparently he managed to get voted in as Student Council President in his first year, and ended up getting stuck with the job the year after. Name: Komoe Shourisha Age: Who knows? Grade: Teacher Appearance: This RP, now with 100% more loli. [img=] Bio: There's a lot of speculation going on about Shourisha-sensei's past and appearance. Some say that she's an escaped science experiment, or that she's some kind of immortal youkai, or that she's a ghost, or that she discovered the fountain of youth, or that she fell into a vat of skin cream and had her youthful appearance preserved forever, or even that she's actually a prepubescent child who's just that good, and so on, so forth. They are all outlandish and if you question her about it, she'll multiply your homework load by 30. On a more serious note, Komoe evidently comes from a rather old fashioned sort of family and has knowledge of the use of most Japanese polearms. In fact, she carries around a bo staff with her (because her naginata wasn't approved by the school board) and often uses it to compensate for her lack of height... ...And also to hit people with, obviously. [/hider] [hider=Rafale] Name: Hepburn Romanization: Amatsukaze Sachiko Kanji: 天津風 咲稚来 Age: 15 Grade: First Year Appearance: [img=] [/hider] [hider=PenguBySleep] Name: Minho Sooma Age: 16 Grade: 2nd year Appearance: [img=] Bio: A mild and laid back student, he keeps his grades impeccable but doesn't seem to care about them. Keeping them up is purely to please his Korean parents who moved here when he was 3. He isn't as talkative as some of the other students but he isn't mean, simply quiet. That's not to say he won't talk to you because he will. He participates in a few clubs such as the kendo club, computer clubs, and is trying his hardest to start a Korean culture club. In his home life he helps his mother the Korean restaurant they own by being a host/waiter. It rarely has customers though so that gives him some free time most days. [/hider] [hider=Masaki Haruna] Name: Huang Kim Chun Ji, Daniel , "Bossman." Age: 16 Grade: 2nd Year Appearance: [img=] Bio: Meet your hit and run temporary club member and full-time delinquent, Kim. All Chinese people know Kung Fu which makes him an arrogant Kung Fu guy who shows off, he does whatever he wants and as a delinquent he doesn't bully people but rather cater to your daily services and needs, ask him anything he will get it for you. Kim operates as an informant stalker and has a collection of information of every people he comes across and even though he poses trouble constantly to the Student Council and Faculty, he always get away by smuggling useful information which is his own trick of getting out by having negotiation and whatnot. When it comes to gang fights, he works alone and acts as a neutral party, Bossman is wanna be Triad like all young Chinese would act. [/hider] [hider=TheWindel] Name: Tanaka Sorata Age: 16 Grade: 2nd Year Appearance: [img=] Bio: If one were to look up the dictionary definition of "introverted", they'd instead be greeted by a lovely picture of Tanaka. Don't get the wrong idea here; Tanaka is not some lone wolf type of kid who broods to himself all the time. On the contrary, he's actually quite friendly to others. No, Tanaka exudes what he refers to as "true introvertedness" before those hipsters came along and redefined the damn term. He finds overly long periods of time spent with people to be tiring and bearing to his health. As such, he tends to avoid parties or social gatherings with large crowds as they tend to exhaust quite a lot out of him. He would much prefer hanging out for maybe an hour or two and then find a good book to read or spend some alone time to himself. He seems to have a bad habit of smoking under stress and creeping out his friends and those around him for his own amusement. [/hider] [hider=cnash1303] Name: Axyl Age: 16 Grade: 2nd year Appearance: [img=] [/hider] [hider=xXSINXx] Name: Alexi Rose "Shade" Age: 17 Grade: 3rd year Appearance: [img=] Bio: Alexi is quite the mysterious one, she stays to herself and tends to not communicate with others. She has had a rough passed and she is used to being hurt or put down. She often avoids eye contact and she stays in dimly lit areas. Alexi does have a edgy side of her and she can defend herself due to the fighting style she developed as a kid, but she doesn't show off she just uses violence as a last resort. Name: Snow Zenobia Age: 16 Grade: 2nd year Appearance: [img=] [/hider] [hider=Erklings25] Name: Daichi "Chi" Hizuki Age: 16 Grade: 2nd year Appearance: Spiky blonde hair and small green eyes. Thin lips and scar on his upper lip. Tattoo of a red dragon on his left shoulder. Bio: Meet your classic high school bully. He loves taking others down. Only some very lucky people are trusted by him. He did have a rough past and decided the only person he can look out for is himself. The only person who cares about him is himself. He does do some judo clubs and secretly he does some drama clubs. [/hider] [hider=Lemons] Name: Sakaki Kimura Age:17 Grade: Third year Appearance: [img=] Bio: Sakaki is one of those people. She has pretty much no friends and spends all of her time reading. (Or drawing manga, which is kind of embarrassing for her; she keeps it a secret) She's antisocial in general, and doesn't feel the need to talk unless it's necessary. Sakaki grew up in the big city, living in an apartment on a building's 14th floor. Strangely, back then, she was just like any other happy young girl, not the seemingly-emotionless person she is today. What could've caused this change? When she was only eight, her father was hit by a car and died from internal bleeding some hours later. She was there in his hospital room when it happened. After that, she was never the same. Her father was very kind to her, but she had a mother that was not so kind, and with the absence of her father's restraint, her mother went full-out abusive. That is what she comes home with every day. Name: Haru Yamaguchi Age: 15 Grade: 1st Year Appearance: [img=] The picture doesn't get it across, but he's lanky and very thin, with very skinny arms and legs. Bio: Haru is quite possibly the most typical of all people. He lived a typical childhood, has typical friends, etc., etc. The major difference is that he's very, very smart. He gets incredibly good grades, and pretty much every teacher ever likes him, since he's so studious and, well, mild mannered. 'Course, since he spends so much time reading and studying, he rarely exercises, or even eats, so he's fairly weak and quite underweight, weighing in at approx. 52 kg (114 lbs.) [/hider] [hider=DiZL ReloadeD] Name: Yumiko Ninomiya Age: 16 Grade: 2nd Year Appearance: [img=] [/hider] [hider=CasedaAmpora] Name: Shana Kiotori Age: 16 Grade: 2nd Year Appearance: [img=] [/hider] [hider=LostDestiny] HE'S ITALIAN, YOU GUISE! :sun Name: Maverick Alichino Age: 17 Grade: 3rd year Appearance: [img=] Bio: Maverick has always been the kind of guy that you can't predict. When he was younger he was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and has spent his life trying to hide it. Unfortunaly he has never been able to hide it well and has always been made fun of for it. His two most common personalities are his usual cool laid back, go with the flow, nonviolent self, but there is also his extreamly violent very loud polar opposite. There are a couple other personalities thrown in there with the mix but those to are most common. Because of this many people have simply though he was bipolar of course that isn't the case. Maverick has a reputation in the school as being the "bad boy" type that really isn't who he is. [/hider] Ps, I know this is under "free," but don't hold back from writing more or less based on what you're comfortable with (I expect decent grammar though). :D RULES: 1. Don't control others' characters without permission. 2. Wait until two other people post before you post again. 3. Please wait 5-15 minutes before posting! 4. Posting limit per person set to 3 posts per every one hour. Er... That's all I have for now.. :\ Interest Check - [url=]