[quote=Doivid] Let's keep in mind whenever one 'side' pushes a policy/law that gives more power to a group (like the police) it's usually not coming from a political ideology, but instead a precaution against civil unrest. I'm not saying it's impossible that liberals would have supported the law, but by and large anyone at the grass roots level was either complicit or being used. From a purely strategic point of view, it's just practical for holding onto power. [/quote] Political parties up here have this habit of introducing bills without consulting public opinion, and it's often been the reason they've been promptly booted out the next election. Trust me, I'm politically moderate, I actually lean more liberal than conservative in a lot of ways, and this current conservative administration's done quite a few things I'm not exactly comfortable with, so I wouldn't be opposed to a change of power in the next election. I'm still allowed to call out a government for making awful decisions that enable a scandal-ridden police force to do shit like that out on it. The main problem with previous liberal administrations is they're the kind of party that does things without really thinking about it, so they end up doing a lot of awful, uninformed things without really weighing in if it's necessary. It's the kind of mentality that gets playground equipment banned at schools because kids might hurt themselves (totally happens), bans tag at schools (happens), and basically coats everything in a thick layer of political correctness as to not offend anyone, resulting in everyone getting frustrated. Not to mention approving a bunch of projects that go way over budget and are often completely unnecessary/ alternate solutions weren't sought. It's part of the reasons I left Ontario, the provincial liberal governments that have been in power for nearly as long as I've been alive have been mind-flayingly awful and have done a lovely job running the economy into the shitter. To give you an idea of how bad it is, all you need to do is look at Rob Ford. Now, he's pretty right-wing, but people were so desperate for a change after horrific city mismanagement that they took a chance on [I]that guy.[/I] Desperate people do stupid things. Once again, I'd like to lament that I'm not anti-liberal, just the particular parties that had been elected that I've lived under since I've been alive.