Certainly. Although the way it is now isn't very relevant, as it will be changing quite soon (more users and all that). The 1x1 interest thread becomes extremely extensive. There's a bit more to it than just looking at each thread, as well. I personally like to see samples, or look up their threads (of course that won't work for awhile as that's all been wiped). I feel that what I'm suggesting is even more segregating, though I guess it depends on how you look at it. I feel confusion as to whether or not I should post in advanced interest checks, or 1x1 interest checks. Perhaps 1x1, but for me the advanced part is almost more important, even though I'm looking for a 1x1. In the old towers site, I accidentally posted in advanced instead of 1x1, because I was confused. I ended up finding an excellent writer in there (because it was the advanced thread) and we are doing a 1x1, but I'm not sure that they venture often into the 1x1 thread (perhaps because with the current setup, it is difficult to find advanced writers there?). Furthermore, a lot of people who are advanced don't know it, and a lot of people who claim to be, aren't. Part of that is just inevitable, of course, but I think that my suggestion would ease some of this confusion. For example, someone humble might not click on a thread link that says [advanced] in front of it. But if they wandered into the advanced board after the casual board and saw that this writing style better suited them, they would realize they fit there. (This same person might also, more probably, not list themselves as advanced.) By segregating the levels of interest checks, I believe there would be less qualms about identifying with your correct writing style. You could also have a thread /for/ each style in each forum, if you are able to do all three. (Whereas I would not click on a thread titled: free - advanced.) Does that make sense at all? You can disagree of course, but I can tell you as a 1x1 RPer, it is kind of a bummer that basically only one forum on this site applies to me. That is of course the way that most RP sites are. An example of a site that has the type of setup I am suggesting is Creative Freedom RPG. That particular setup is the only thing from that site that I am suggesting we consider, and I think we can do it better than they. Anyway, I am curious to know if Mahz would consider this, if enough 1x1 RPers felt this way.