[quote=The Nexerus] ^ Restrictions on personal freedoms have decreased under the current government.The G20 protesters flew in to do so, and not just from other places in Canada. There are some people so disillusioned that they'll spend a month's salary to go protest the government for no particular reason.The world would be a significantly better place if everyone who calls themselves an anarchist disappeared overnight. [/quote] I still don't know why they host G20 summits, because I seriously wonder what they accomplish other than the host city getting trashed, dozens if not hundreds of people arrested and detained (often illegitimately), and sometimes people get killed. Couldn't they all, I don't know, have a Skype call and save the tax payers a boatload of money, and if they did have to meet up, not spend millions on making things like fake lakes and other giant money sinks? The G8 summit in Huntsville had barely any protestors because nobody wants to drive that far up North, and the police can block off the highways leading it it. Why not hold the G20 there, or at one of the several military bases where you can easily prevent civilian access?