A gray, cloudy day that meant it was most likely going to rain. Dark clouds loomed overhead, waiting to unleash their gift upon the unsuspecting victims below, drenching them in a cold, wet, downpour of rain. Not that she minded. Rain was one of the few things the Homunculus actually enjoyed these days. Not only because she enjoyed the sound of rain hitting the ground or other things such as roofs or pavements, It made her abilities much more...powerful. Not that it really mattered. She was still going to be relatively weak in that field no matter what she did. That good for nothing human Magi was at fault there as far as she was concerned. She was sitting on the edge of the roof of some abandoned apartment complex, her home. Well, what could be passed off as a home. It had a bed, electricity - most of the time, a TV, Fridge...most were...'borrowed' of course, since she didn't have money to pay for such things. That all went to her alcohol problem, food, or other things she deemed more important. She downed the last of the vodka in the bottle and gave a heavy sigh. "Didn't I have something I was supposed to do today?" She asked the bottle in her hand, but of course it didn't reply and she already knew the answer to that question, so she had no idea why she even asked it. "Of course I do....Damn it." She grumbled. The damn agency had wanted her for some reason. She wished she had never had the unfortunate accident leading to working for that damn Magi woman. Her, working for humans. Hah, that thought amused her. As far as she was concerned humans were worthless beings. How they survived thus far without killing themselves somewhat amazed her. Still, it wasn't that bad, she supposed, since it gave her something to do other than drink or sleep all day with the occasional...'borrowing' of other peoples properties. Okay, maybe it was bad since she hated working. She said she'd help them though, so she might as well get used to it. She grabbed her mask that was sitting next to her on the rooftop, and quickly put it on. It wasn't like she actually needed it, but it made her feel safer with it on. She'd feel better if the agency didn't know about her either, but Anonymity was harder and harder to keep in today world. Used to she could just live out in the woods and not see another person for weeks, maybe months. How long ago was that?....Meh, didn't matter. She stood and walked over to the fire escape that was on the side of the apartment. She'd make use of the alleys and roof tops to get to her destination. No sense in going out on the roads unless needed. Most people would probably be more than a little surprised at seeing someone dressed the way she was. She didn't want that kind of attention. She quickly made her way down the fire escape, and with the skill of an acrobatic professional, she jumped from the second story, rolling when she hit the ground to keep her momentum and from hurting herself. The trip through the alleys was quick, aside from the occasional obstacle that was easily dealt with through various use of acrobatics. The Agency wasn't that far away now, she could see it. Slowing her pace from a jog to a slow walk, she pulled opened the door.... And was immediately assaulted by the smell of cigarette smoke and some kid loudly talking. "Oh for the love of the gods Tosh," She said, not using her full name. "Do you think you could open a window or something? Better yet quit that annoying habit." She complained, placing a hand over her mask covered nose as she stood in the doorway. She probably didn't have much room to talk, since her home probably smelled like a bar after a bar fight and someone spilled all the alcohol on the floor. Or smashed a keg over someones head. Several times. She roughly shoved passed the familiar boy and ignored the human kid, who she didn't so much as look at and took a seat in the first place she could find. "I mean come on, this place is going to give anyone cancer who so much as inhales a single whiff." If there was one thing she detested most about Toshiko, it was her smoking habit.