They finally made their way up to the castle, as Amaron yelled for the guards to open the gates. The gates opened to be shown even more wizards and guards in different armor than the ones that currently held the group. Amaron turned his head as he spoke, "Sorry but we don't know how powerful any of you are, so these extra precautions must be done. In fact, the King is probably going to want to see you himself. Amaron guided them through the castle to the kings chamber where the king sat. a decently sized man, but at the same time if you looked you could see muscle bulging from his arms and legs. He was definitely no fat pig of a king. He stood up as the group entered. "WELCOME TO MY WORLD!" he yelled his voice boomed. he walked up with guards in front of him holding pikes out as if the others were about to charge him. "I want you to remember that, this... is my world." the king said. Amaron knelt down. ---- Garth was analyzing every person they passed and everyone that was a soldier, the difference between the soldiers that were holding them now and in the castle was quite large. His glasses portrayed into his eyes images and statistics of each soldiers physical prowess. He grinned, maybe someone here could actually give him a challenge. He saw Savin teleport and grinned, these others seemed strong as well, maybe just as strong as he was. He couldn't wait to fight, if this turned into one it would surely be bloody. The King was no slouch, his rating were off the charts, Garth was hoping the King might want to fight but he doubted it. He knelt down as Amaron did and looked over at the others, "We should all kneel" he said whispering to them. ----- The King looked over all of them, "You are all out manned and surrounded, so if you are against us give up, but, if you wish to go home, back to your home world, then you need to listen to me and my orders and I will be able to take you home. But for me to direct you to do that you will have to fight in a war. Now if you do not wish to fight I can help you with living a life here, under close watch" The king said as he pointed to the ceiling revealing people in the rafters in all black with crossbows strung and ready to attack. "If you wish to join, I only need know your name and where you came from and how you got here, one of you needs to speak up.So... it is your choice if you are to get home or not." he said with a grin. Garth sighed as he stood, "I am Garth that is all you need to know, I was defending a town from a beast I had never seen before when I was taken away by a twister that dropped me down here. I do not come from anywhere for in my world I have been a travelling nomad for years now. I want to go home and I will assist in this war, but I will not be your fodder, but I will fight to fight, but just how do you plan on sending us home?" he asked curiously.