The night was quiet in the fair city. Businesses closed, streets empty and blinds drawn to keep privacy inside instead of out. A long figure moved through the streets, a woman in all black walked down the street, a small bag over her shoulder. No police were called, no one knew and she was feeling a bit arrogant was she skipped along the empty streets. the women in the hooded mask moved with a grace unlike others, her body swerving as if she was dancing which, she was a little. "Diamonds and Emeralds and Rubies oh my." She whispered to herself. The police were following a false lead on the other side of the town, a lead that said someone was going to rob the jewelry store but simple is as simple does, the robber took the other jewelry store across town. As a hooded figure she looked good, the skin tight black body suite she wore hugged every curve of her womanly form and the material was silk yet strong. Allowing her body to breathe yet preventing any scrapes as she crawled through vent or skidded across concrete. There was a wonderful fabric company in China that made the material she used on her costume and it always seemed to work her advantage. Even her face mask was made from the same things. Why? Simple, she didn't want to scar her pretty face. Though people didn't know what a pretty face she had and the false canine teeth she wore made her look as though she had fangs. Yes, life was fun when you were a robber. Her hands clinked together as she touched the small pieces of something sticking out of her gloves. The 'something' was her trade mark. The clever woman created claws out of jewelry, since diamonds were the hardest material in the world, it made cutting open glass very easy, which was her main problem. Hacking into computer systems, simple; she learned how to do that as a day job, being a computer technician it's kind of a given. So far there has yet to be a security system she couldn't crack. It also helped that she worked in the computer section of the biggest company in town and they created most, if not all, the security systems used in town. Aw tonight was a good night and she even did a little skip jump as she walked down the street; so full of happiness that nothing could ruin her mood. [IMG][/IMG]