[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gR35RiY.jpg[/img][/center] Robin Voshell grinned roguishly from where she lay reclined on the couch nearest her desk, as Cerulean turned his head. She was sure he did so to hide his blush, and all the red head had done was wink at him. There was very little that Robin liked more than to see people squirm. Humans and their closely related supernatural counterparts were immensely entertaining—the kitsune species excepted, of course. After all, two hundred and fifty-six years ago, Robin Voshell was born as a fox of the typical North American variety, quite far removed from humanity. The other members of the team greeted Cerulean in their own ways, each certainly making an impression on the kid. Robin watched, an amused half smile on her face, as Bushi introduced himself and Angel descended from his perch on the ceiling fan. Both boys were pretty quick about breaking out the alcohol, but didn’t deign to share. Robin considered pouting prettily about it, but was enjoying the dynamic in the room too much to bring attention to herself. Mia, likewise was watching. Robin wondered if the Senior Officer was the silent leadenly type on her off days as well. "Everyone, I know you know that I have royal blood and so do I, but please, treat me as a normal member and just call me Cerulean, or anything you like. I'm still adjusting to my situation and I don't feel royal at all." The siren said from where he sat awkwardly on the couch. [i]Called it[/i], Robin thought smugly. Cerulean Mystique definitely wasn’t comfortable in his heritage. In fact, Robin couldn’t imagine him much less confident in himself. She thought this a bit curious. He wasn’t an ugly human, and Air certainly seemed to like him the way she was going on about hugs and blushing furiously. She supposed the danger that the Peacekeepers often faced could be the making of him. It was a puzzle for another day, Robin decided, because Pye came on to usher them out of the room and onto see Cerulean’s initiation. Robin stood and stretched, filing out of the room with the others. It was a short walk to the pointless grid-like room that could make illusions. It was pointless in Robin’s mind, anyway. could do the same thing anywhere with no electricity and no wires. Not that she would be pleased if the Peace Keepers started bugging her for illusions every time they needed to do a bit of training. This line of thought gave the fox an interesting idea… "This is an initiation of sorts. You see, I want to make sure you're up to snuff for the field agent position, so I'm gonna spar with you. everyone else is really just a spectator for this, although if they want to offer advice and such to help you, that's fine. All you have to do is last 3 minutes against me. If you do that, you've passed,” Mia was saying to the new kid. Robin understood the instructions well enough; they were not supposed to make this any harder for the siren. But really, when did the Peacekeepers ever fight just one enemy in the real world? Mia made as if to attack Cerulean, but pulled back at the last minute. When she pressed forward again, Robin added her own version of reality to what was already there. One deadly Mia pushed the white haired kid back with a succession of fast attacks, and six other harmless ones dashed forward menacingly. Robin supposed she would drop the illusion if it gave Cerulean any real trouble. After all, the trickster wasn't completely without a sense of justice. She was just cold, angry, and cynical. It had been one Robin against the world ever since Raven's abduction.