Takeshi interacted with the people, kept up his happy-go-lucky attitude. He could see how some people were spreading out, and forming groups, others were just alone, and few were analytical. He didn't seem the type, but as young as Takeshi was, he could understand people's behaviors. Not too far from him, was a guy with glasses and red hair. This guy seemed to be studying the crowd from Takeshi's point of view. After looking around, he noticed something. Everyone seemed to be no more than 20 years old, or at least the people he could see didn't seem older than that. While Takeshi was looking around, talking with some people, some who were afraid, excited and just didn't care, he spotted a girl shyly sitting down. She appeared confused. Takeshi, getting away from some of the crowd, approached the girl. She seemed a few years older than hi, but that didn't make him shy. "Hey there!" he called excitedly. "My name is Takeshi, Raijin Takeshi. You may call me Ta-kun if you wish. What's your name?" friendly asking the girl. He hoped he didn't scare her or make her angry. His happy-go-lucky attitude has done that before, upon first time meeting people.