"Hm, ah!" Red exclaimed, pulling himself free from the chocobo and looking to Annabel. "I don't know how much time I... Have..." He looked over when Sara approached him, a bit puzzled by the question. "Uh... Yeah, I'm alright." He said, looking at her. She had the air of one from the city, and he took a moment to gather himself. "Are you a ferry guard or something?" He asked before shaking it off. "Yeah, Bel, I'm gonna be heading into the city to sell some vegetables for the old man," he explained. "And got a big shipment, so I'm going to have to be leaving early." He frowned at the prospect, rubbing his right leg. Annabel and Comet would both know why he rubbed his leg. After all, they knew about his accident crossing the straight ten years prior. The deep scars that wouldn't go away on the leg. It was an injury he was often reminded of. "Erm, right, but I just wanted to come over and say hello before I got off." He said, a twinge of nerves in his voice.