[quote=Bugoycmike] I assume the reasoning behind not putting gunpowder isn't just a historical one but a in-game mechanic one as well. Although along those grounds I'd argue on the incorporation on Magic given it's essentially game-changing nature. I mean muskets, rifles and cannons can misfire; magic only so if the user is pushed or pushes themselves beyond their limits/knowledge. That being said, it is a Fantasy game. *shrugs*On that note, does an Army necessarily have to be experienced? I've been seeing a lot of Nations featuring armies without any sort of 'fresh' regiments and am a little concerned. Unless of course my math's a little off... [/quote] Yeah, I have a hard time swallowing bans on gunpowder when god-like mages are present in a setting. It makes you seriously wonder why said mages haven't formed some sort of "Magician's Collective" in a proactive effort to enslave the world by using their sheer arcane might and magical influence alone, and why the people would allow such individuals to roam free with such vast power at their disposal should an event of this nature come to pass. I look back to the RPG known as "Fable II", where the citizens of Albion eventually grew tired of the haughty and corrupt behavior the Heroes of Old displayed on a near-constant basis. In response, they invented the firearm (and many different versions of it) to equalize the playing field between Hero and Mortal. While I don't expect all peoples in this RP to go around rebelling against corrupt magic users by inventing guns and whatnot, I do still question the cultural and societal impacts brought into existence by the presence of spell-weavers. Also, in response to your bit about the experience of individual armies---you do raise a seriously valid point. Experience only comes (and is maintained) if your force is actually deployed in combat every so often (or periodically). A force can be highly trained and kitted out with high-grade equipment, but this isn't on the same level as a group of soldiers who know their way around a battlefield and can operate under pressure from a tenacious foe.