Leon practically fell out of his hyperbed when he first awoke, the air being crisp and fresh, an atmosphere worlds different from what he had been breathing however long he had been asleep. He felt heavy, light his bones were filled with lead, the fuzziness in his head reminded him of his first hangover. Back when he was a bit of a fuckwit in secondary school. Back before he really developed his powers, or mutations, whatever they were called. He always joked that he was a mage from the tales of ancient England, however many centuries ago that was supposed to be. "Well," Leon yawned, giving a look around at the row of empty hyperbeds, "Early bird may get the worm, but the late on gets coffee." Leon's body was slowly waking up. It would've been a quick hell, nearly instant process, but he wasn't feeling the need to fuck around with his magic right now. His prerogative was to find a good drink and, he adjusted his black bowtie that complimented the black vest he wore over his white button up that had a small bloodstain on his cuff, look good in the process. His mind was wandering slightly, not on anything in particular, just on a desperate attempt to remember a line from the song stuck in his head. In his moment of vacancy his shoulder bumped into another person's shoulder, one of the other muties that entered the city via hyperbed. "Oh, crap. Sorry!" He grinned at he short guy, putting a hand on the back of his head while giving the guy a friendly smile and wave. He quickly spun around on his heels, nearing the cafe, and slipped in beginning his search for the liquid crack known as coffee. As he began his search some boy was talking into a microphone about how everyone was different, which really meant in a roundabout way that everyone was normal. Maybe he'd make an appearance on stage to say a few words, Leon mused, dismissing the thought.