[b]”By your standards, the ones that you have been taught by the adults that once served in the lands of my people, I am a monster; Anyone could brand you a monster when you are defending your home, family and life.”[/b] he said. Isard sighed; he didn’t know how heavily the tangled history between his people and hers had been altered. It was easy to edit out parts in order to make yourself look better. [b]”When you were a child you approached my cage curiously. You were the first to show me any sort of…well, anything different than what I have been accustomed to. The guard that had been standing watch in front of my home has been executed, under the orders of your parents simply for talking to me and bringing me bits of food here and there.”[/b] Part of Isard wanted to break the princess, to teach her a lesson in what her parents and people really were. But there was that small section of him that seen her as that curious, harmless child from all of those years ago who had openly approached his cage. The man shifted uncomfortably, when was the last time that he stood? The cage didn’t allow him the liberty of standing, well he could kneel but that just wasn’t the same. He missed being able to works the knots from his legs by walking around. [b]”Is that really fair that he had to die for just telling me of himself, while you are here talking to me? If your parents really wanted to make an example that talking to me deserves death then they should kill you as they have him.”[/b] Isard was bitter, so very bitter that it reached down into his core. He hated the King and Queen, he hated the people of their kingdom and well, he hated the Princess for standing by when she could have done something. It really was not fair in his eyes that his favorite human had to be killed when the black haired Princess was standing before him and doing the same as the guard. He had never talked do much to anyone during his imprisonment here, his throat was beginning to ache and he was growing more and more furious with the presence of the girl. She was a product of those two, those whose war crimes far outnumbered his. --- The men and Alee packed away their new supplies within the leather bags they kept hidden under their cloaks. Looking to the castle walls they could see the severed head of a recently killed man being placed on a pike. One of the men made a low grunt in the back of his throat as they followed after the female. She approached the bottom of the castle walls, a distance away so she would not come into contact with the crowd that had gathered there. [b]”THIS MAN WAS CAUGHT FRATERNIZING WITH A WEREWOLF! LETS THIS BE A WARNING TO YOU ALL! HE WAS A TRAITOR TO THE KINGDOM AND DESEREVED TO DIE!”[/b] One of the guards yelled, his clothing was richly decorated compared to those of the other guards that stood around, marking him as close to the King and Queen. The crowd began to mumble and a cry rang out as a woman collapsed to her knees, crying at the sight and news of her son’s death. [b]”And they call us monsters…”[/b]Alee said as she turned from the wall. The men followed after her quietly. The men were on guard, one could never be too careful in a place where shakedowns were quite the norm. It was the way of the King and Queen to find any rats among their mice. Once they had been given away by an informant, someone who kept an eye and ear out for werewolves in hiding. The informant has been threatened with death and had spilled the beans faster than a man could run.