Aeria was sitting on the far side of the cafeteria, away from everybody. Unlike everybody else, she was calm an composed. If something bad were to happen, all she had to do was face it. She was separated from her family so there was nothing else to lose and everything to gain. Her thoughts were interrupted when a young man went to the theater stage. Curiously, she watched him as he spoke. [quote=Gyrin] "Everyone, for the love of the gods... Stop freaking out!" he stood there.. "If Illisthoth or whatever was going to hurt us, he would of already." he stopped.."So just be social for once, stop being unapproachable, nothing bad will happen to us I'm sure of it. " he contemplated."Who here is different?" he asked out of the blue.. "Who here wasn't normal.. from the other kids." he kept talking"I sure wasn't normal, for instance, I'm smart as hell, my IQ was hitting the roof, as well as me reaction and reflexes, who thinks that's normal? not me? yeah, so who isn't normal?" [/quote] The crowd became silent and Aeria sat there observing people's reactions. She was not one to care and if everyone here was worried about their safety, they should stop freaking out and calm themselves down. A calm mind is the key to quick thinking.