(I know it's weak, but my intros always suck eggs) Malachi Stanton was silent as he moved through the obstacle course, testing all the traps and making sure all the targets were set. He had decided to test his apprentice on a new course. Rena has successfully passed Mal's requirements and now it was time to see where she stood in a new environment. His protege was getting quite good and although he'd never admit it, she was starting to close the gap between their skills. Today's test was designed to test her spacial awareness. It was one thing to hit a moving target. It was quite another to hit one while maintaining a sense of what the hell was going on around you. Only once everything had checked out, Mal began to head back to start, where he was supposed to meet up with Rena. Aaaabout 10 minutes ago. "Damn..." Mal cursed, picking up the pace. At least until he saw something up in the trees. "Monster?" he stopped dead and pulled out his pistol "Where are you, you bastard?". Following the general direction the blur was headed, he quickly realized it was headed in the direction Rena was supposed to be! Running as fast as he could, he reached into his coat and pulled out the barrel, stock, sight, and magazine attachments for his gun, turning it from pistol to rifle. He was almost there when a loud CRASH reverberated through the whole forest. Gaining a sudden surge of energy, he burst out the forest, looking around for the source of the noise and the monster, but only spotting his protege messing with her crossbow. Taking a step to her, he accidently kicked something. Looking down he saw an unconscious young man, blood trickling from his head and a large crack in the tree next to him. "Huh... So that's what that was"...