"And yet again, Spider-Man makes his mark on New York City; showing the world that no evil will triumph so long as good stands tall." The news woman on the morning television said with a twinkling in her eye. It was mid-morning and Lexi Rogers sat curled up on the couch, her small right hand cupping a bowl of Cheerios's as her right hand brought a spoon to her mouth. She watched the television in intensity. This Spider-Man person had become the center of attention of New York City for the past couple of months and became every girl's dream man, even Lexi who couldn't help but be fascinated by him. His daring actions, courageous bravery and willingness to do what's right was more than anyone has ever done. "Lexi." Her mother called from down the hall. "Lexi, remember, we're taking you and Peter out for breakfast. Are you going to pick him up and meet us at the restaurant?" Her blue eyes expanded in shock as she realized that today was the day they were going to do that! Her parents looked at her best friend much like a son and loved to hear about how well he was doing in school, so breakfast dates and dinner dates were common between her family and him; and it wasn't uncommon for her to get invited to family dinners with Peter and Aunt May. She flew out of the living room, her bowl shaking against the coffee table as her mom shouted some directions to the restaurant out to her daughter as she raced up the stairs. Poor Lexi, she was smart but sometimes she didn't have concept of time. Tooth brush in her mouth, she bounced around her room in a sad attempted to get her jeans on while brushing her teeth and tumbled over in failure, Sticking her long toned tan legs into the air she wiggled herself into her pants before jumping to her feet. Wiggling herself into a black tank top she threw over a small purple jacket and finished her teeth before running a brush through her hair and putting on shoes. Slapping on her normal make up she was out the door in ten minutes, cutting her time close as she jumped in her small red car and started towards Peter's house. Oh man he was going to ride her if she was late. Thank goodness they didn't live that far away from each other. Her father was a lawyer and her mother was his secretary. Together they made a power [url=http://us.cdn1.123rf.com/168nwm/kurhan/kurhan0805/kurhan080500056/3003159-young-smiling-business-woman-and-business-man.jpg]couple[/url], defending the innocent and attempting to right the wrongs from the government standpoint; though her parent's roles were important, she found Spider-Man's to be a lot more interesting. Taking in a deep breath as she pulled her car in front of Peter's house she checked her reflection in the mirror. Since they had hit their puberty stages, she began to find Peter's quirky charm and intelligence more and more attractive and while she could admit she had a crush on him (not [i]to[/i] him of course), she didn't feel it was right to have such a crush on this masked super hero but try to have a normal relationship without her wandering eyes going to a vigilante. "Why can't they be the same person...." She grumbled to herself as she shut the visor mirror and unbuckled herself. Skipping up the steps she knocked politely on the door and began to rock back and forth on her heels as she awaited to see what footsteps would greet her.