[i]"Every time you laugh, Every time you grieve, pieces of those moments become ours as well, that's what it is to be a member of our guild. When a member is on cloud nine we all float, when a member is outraged, we all clench our teeth. When a member weeps we all wipe our eyes, so you have no reason to riddled with guilt, because no one here holds you responsible, you are after all a member of our family .... a member of FAIRY TAIL!"[/i] - Makarov Dreyar As you may have guessed by the title, this is an interest check for a Fairy Tail RP. I was thinking that this could be done two ways, first a completely canon roleplay where everyone plays canon characters on non-canon adventures or second a completely OC Fairy Tail with different OC members of the guild. If either strikes your fancy or you have a different idea/opinion of how to go about this leave a reply below or PM me.