[Dimension 1] Perhaps it was the close experience with death that made her seem so reflective. After they had left the planet far behind, she had spent a long time in her room aboard the TARDIS writing, reflecting. Personally, he would rather run than look back. There was too much behind him and to dwell on it would bring back to many things he would rather avoid. However, kudos to Jen as she was able to move forward. When she wanted to meet her ex, he had no objections. Apparently, her disgust for a few humans kissing was brought on by her lack of love life. Though he personally didn’t have too much experience, he did not that humans were a bit annoyed when someone else was enjoying something they wanted. Either that or she just was disgusted with it in general. There were some people like that. Hands in his jacket pockets, he ignored the slight chill and walked alongside Jen. When she inquired on how he was doing, instead of giving her a cheeky grin, he just looked ahead. She was the one who had faced death in the face with the angels and came out on top. True, his life was just as threatened, but after so many years, troubles, and threats it didn’t faze him as much. Besides, there were times he wouldn’t have minded death. Alone, the last of his kind, sometimes it was just too much. Not that the angels would have killed him. They would have just sent him back in time and feasted on the TARDIS. No. Despite his pain he was not going to give up on life yet. He had a lot of making up to do. Realizing he still hadn’t answered he turned to respond but she continued talking about Valentine’s Day. Content to leave the previous conversation alone, the Doctor just listened. “I’m staying right here.” He looked at her seriously as she tried to talk herself back out of it. “You faced Weeping Angels.” He told her, matter-of-fact, no impish grin on his face. “You’ll be fine. I doubt he’s as bad as them.” He informed her, a slight twinkle in his eye. He felt bad for her. Facing one’s fears took guts. There were things he never wanted to go back and face. However, he did not want her to let it haunt her for the rest of her life. If she could deal with it and move on, then it will be better for her. “Just think, in a few days, you’ll be done. You can move on and not have to worry about what he thinks or cares.” Well, technically, she probably would. But, that was not the point. He was attempting to be a bit encouraging. “You’ll be glad you got this off your chest.” He told her. “Some things shouldn’t be cared for a long time.” He looked off in the distance. Even if he wanted to go back, there was nothing he could do. There was no one he could apologize too, no one who would forgive him for his the choice he had to make. No, in his case, running was always better. Especially, as there was no one to go back to. He smiled at Jen. “I’ll be right here giving you support.” He promised. Though it was curious why her boyfriend had left her and she hadn’t gone after the man. She was pretty determined to follow [i]him[/i] when he showed up in her life investigating the plastics. The Doctor smiled. Just for her to go get her stuff, expecting him to stay had been difficult. There had been something in her eyes when she demanding he wait and not take off. Had the boyfriend leaving brought out her determination? Would things have been different if she had gone after the boyfriend or did not go after him? The Doctor shook his head. He was glad he waited. He was glad she came with him. He grinned at her inquisitive look. “Just remembering when I first meet you. You were fairly determined to go with me even when I was pushing you off.” He nodded at her serious now. “If you can push your way to come with me without me taking off, you can talk to this fellow of yours. And you know what? If he doesn’t like what you say, to heck with it. He doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t deserve your following up on him.” Though serious, he hoped she took it as encouragement. She could easily take it the other way and just leave. Or get annoyed with him, making her feel worse. He shrugged. Humans were so complicated sometimes. But then again, that’s why he enjoyed them so much. He looked forward again, determined. Whatever happened, he was going to stay by her side. He fought ‘gods’ and demons. Ice warriors and angels. What a was an ex-boyfriend compared to them? --- [Dimension 2] Summer smiled, not really surprised at the fact he didn’t have a plan. He seemed to be the type to go with the flow. The trip to Venice showed that. Though, in no way did that mean he couldn’t come up with a plan or knew what he was doing. Though he might not have one right away, he always came up with something and she never had to worry about him failing her. Even on Mars, when she had given up all hope of rescue, he had returned. Returned to her and kept her safe. Even against the Daleks, he came and got her out. No, he might not always have a plan but when something was needed, he knew what to do. She smiled. “Enjoying our tea sounds fine with me.” She stated. “Then I can show you around. Dover’s such a beautiful place. And the weather is perfect for a tour.” Her eyes lit up at the thought of visiting her hometown again and taking in the sights. For some reason, she wanted to show the Doctor around, see what he thought. She hoped he approved of her town, though in reality it probably wouldn’t faze him as much. He was a time traveler. He could go anywhere in time and space and see exotic placed. Dover…well it was just a small harbor town that really only had significance because she grew up there. In reality, she was a bit surprised at her boldness. It took some time before she warmed up to someone. And even her mates back in London hadn’t heard much about her hometown. She liked to keep things close. But then again, going through life and death experiences several times with someone could make a difference. Not to mention he did seem interested. Thankfully, the waitress coming up saved her from any awkwardness. Setting a plate of warm bread in front of them the waitress, straightened. “Molly had to leave so I’ll be taking care of you.” She stated. “If you need anything, just holler. My name’s Mabel.” Summer’s head came up. The waitress… It was her. Younger than Summer had ever seen. The young college aged waitress smiled and left, not catching Summer’s surprised look. “That’s her.” Summer whispered a bit stunned. All of a sudden she felt a bit conspicuous. Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all. What if she gave something away? What if something slipped? Memories of her childhood flew through her mind. Though the woman she remembered and the one she had seen were different ages, there was no doubt that they were the same woman. She was so beautiful. So much more than Summer. She had taken more after her Father than her mother. She looked over, conscious the Doctor was observing her. “Maybe we should leave.” She said a bit flustered. “I’ll probably mess something up. Say something I’m not supposed to.” The Doctor’s touch on her hand calmed her slightly. Listening she composed herself. “You’re right. Sorry. I’m just… I wasn’t actually expecting her that quickly and I didn’t think far enough ahead on what I would actually do or say.” It made sense though her Mother worked her. She had known all the staff and she did say it was her favorite place in town when they frequently stopped there when she was a child. Now some of the little jokes she missed as a kid made sense. The teasing, telling her mother she would fit right in. How she could probably run the place herself… It made some sense now. She looked at the Doctor. “So now what? I don’t know where to begin.”