Dorian lays still as the young one feeds, the feeling of his tongue a vaguely pleasant sensation after the shark cutting fangs. As the boy rolls off and makes for the door the elder tenses slightly and sits up. His eyes snap open and focus on James's retreating back. [i]'Should I just let him go? He is only couple days out of the woods, I am not sure he is safe on his own yet'[/i] A fang comes out to chew on his bottom lip as he vanishes from view, but after a few seconds he lets the abused flesh go and lets out a sigh. [i]'It is only across the hall, and I will be joining him soon'[/i] Standing slowly he stretches, working out the little kinks that the unfamiliar bed put into his joints and after a few short exercises he feels ready to head out. Scooping up the bath robe from two nights before, now dry, he puts it one and carefully scoops up his own clothing. As he steps out of his room the innkeeper passes the top of the stairs on her evening rounds and with a faint smile Dorian calls out to her. She looks at him with a falsely polite smile and comes over to him quickly. “Yes m'lord? How may I help you this evening?” Her tone is sickly sweet, as if she knows she's been more than a little rude and is trying to make up for it. He smiles back at her with his own false smile and replies, “I will be leaving very soon, and I was wondering if you would be able to procure me some supplies before we go?” Her eyes light up at the request, the service obviously taking the form of something she can charge him more for. “Yes, of course sir! What would you like me t'fetch for you? I can have one of the night maids run for them lickety split!” There is real excitement behind her words and Dorian has to fight to not turn away in disgust. “Just a few fresh fruits, the juicy kind, another outfit for my young friend, and some pocket handkerchiefs, if you would my dear lady. Oh, and please have them delivered to me in the stable. We should be there shortly.” He manages to not choke on the words and as she bubbles over in excitement and bows herself away to fulfill his order he wanders into the bathing area before rolling his eyes at her greediness. His head snaps around as a loud splash comes from one of the tubs and after a few seconds he chuckles as he realizes what caused it. Setting his clothes safely away from the baths Dorian pulls off his robe and lets it drop to the floor. “You should relax Little One. It is not good to be so wound up this early in the evening.” he murmurs and makes his way over to the free bath. The floral scent makes his nose wrinkle but he climbs in none the less. The hot water envelops him and he relaxes against the side, getting comfortable on the bench before looking over to the newborn.