I know I just posted an RP idea a few days ago and it hasn't even started up yet but I had this idea and wrote up the Entire OOC post and made my characters already, so I just wanted to see if anybody was interested. The Premise of the RP is that in 2021 a fascist political party has taken control of the Canadian government by abusing the fear a large terrorist attack in Toronto produced. They enacted a federal police force similar to the Gestapo in Nazi Germany and have been using the fear of the public to stay in power. The RPers will be playing as a group called "the Free" (Yes there is a reason behind it that involves the death of a 15 year old kid at a protest that the FEA didn't get in trouble for even though they shot the kid with lethal firearms) who fight against the FEA by using vandalism to simultaneously spread the message of the FEA's corruption and hinder the FEA's abilities by damaging cameras and police vehicles among other things. Sound interesting to anybody? I can put up the whole OOC post (I tried to keep it short) in this thread if anyone wants to see and/or criticize it. Also, sorry this post is kind of short/disorganized, it's 2 am where I'm at and I'm more than a little tired.