[b]Hyer[/b] She watched the events take place and nodded to Angel from time to time, seeing Noirin's dragon wrap around her finger and all she chuckled slightly. She looked to the students and Angel seemed pleased with all the attention causing Hyer to continue smiling. "Well, now then..." she said and gently walked up behind Noirin as she shut her eyes for a moment, as she opened them her eyes shifted to silver. Then her Dragon skull changed to blue, she grew fins on the side of her head and her hands became scaly and grew webbing. She first put her hand on Noirin's shoulder and her hand was suddenly perfectly cool and moist, she then gently trailed her hand down Noirin's arm until she reached Noirin's hand under the water. "Now, take a deep breath.... Feel the water flowing around you, all around... the world is water.... " she said as her voice slowly began to echo, the room would oddly get silent in a way and the pressure in the very air started to reassemble water itself. "Yes, water... different currents... fish swimming around, and ocean with salt... a heaven for dragons..." she said her voice almost like a song under water, yet clear but still distant. She led Noirin's hand out of the bowl, a perfect sphere surrounding the dragon, "You are one being... In heart... In soul... Never treat yourself in a way you do not wish to be treated, you are one being..." she spoke as she gently led Noirin to the measuring table, then gently put her hand down on it using their free hand to shape the sphere after the Dragon to see how long it was. "Feel how you surround your water, with a sphere... you seal it... so that it won't escape you... feel the sphere... hold it tight, but let the water flow freely inside, then you shape the sphere... allow the water to change with it... allow yourself to stretch with the water... allow yourself to be measured by the water... you are a Dragon... water is your element... water obey's you as much as you follow its currents, follows its waves... flow with the water... flow with yourself... and finally... let out your breath" she said watching over Noirin and helping her to maintain the sphere.