Name: Sakaki Kimura Age:17 Grade: Third year Appearance (Preferably a picture): [img=] There is always some kind of scratch, cut or contusion on her face, and usually more than one. Bio (Optional): Sakaki is one of those people. She has pretty much no friends and spends all of her time reading. (Or drawing manga, which is kind of embarrassing for her; she keeps it a secret) She's antisocial in general, and doesn't feel the need to talk unless it's necessary. Sakaki grew up in the big city, living in an apartment on a building's 14th floor. Strangely, back then, she was just like any other happy young girl, not the seemingly-emotionless person she is today. What could've caused this change? When she was only eight, her father was hit by a car and died from internal bleeding some hours later. She was there in his hospital room when it happened. After that, she was never the same. Her father was very kind to her, but she had a mother that was not so kind, and with the absence of her father's restraint, her mother went full-out abusive. That is what she comes home with every day.