Name: Rourke Akane ID Number: 25173946 Rank: C1 Year: 1 Nationality: Dutch Father, American Mother Age: 15 Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Fighting Style: Taekwondo Powers: Sensory Removal- ability to dull a single sense at a time for up to five minutes. (Ex: blurred sight, muffled hearing, numbed touch..) Personality: Rourke is all gloom and doom, quiet and mysterious as he had a hard childhood. On the inside, he is jealous of those who have parents who care about them. Background: Rourke was the result of a stupid drunken night and thus, neither parent wanted him. His mother who was currently a drug addict at the time, gave him over to his father who was too busy to care about him. He began learning different martial arts as self defense as the other kids always picked on him and at the age of 10 he ran away from home only to be found by the local authorities. He saw an opportunity to get away from home again at the Fight school and took it, his father didn't even care that he wasn't going to be home for a while.