Mia frowned as she saw Brady coming and she tapped Lana and pointed. She looked around and also gave him a frown. They stopped dancing as he got closer and Mia folded her arms angrily, as she did so it pushed her boobs up more. "Oh? I'm a beautiful lady now? I thought I was a racist?" She growled nastily at the boy. She really didn't want to be breathing the same air as this arsehole. Lana gave Mia a sympathetic look before looking back at Brady "What do you want Brady?" Lana asked trying to sound nice but she was irritated too. Mia wanted nothing more than to punch him right now, but she figured she would wait and hear him out first. Depending on what he said, would depend on whether he got a black eye. Mia stood there, waiting to hear what this douche bag had to say.