Noirin listened to Hyer and did as she was told. As she walked over to the measuring table she total forgot that Myer was telling her what to do. She was not even afraid of drowning in a sphere of water. She somehow understood how to seal the bubble and she was feeling as light as she can be inside. Slow and gently she placed the dragon on the measuring table and measured it. She then put it on a scale to weigh it then decided to measure how round her baby was at different spots. The tiny dragon was very patient and was even smiling. She then petted the tiny dragon who seemed to be sleepy so Noirin place it on the floor of the bowl. And just look at the baby fall asleep. Noirin whispered to the dragon “I love the way your green scales glisten in the light, little one. I’ll find a very good Irish name for you as soon as I can do so. But I have class now so I must do my work.” Meanwhile Lady Violetta turned her attention to her next Independent Class, Auras and Self Examination. “As soon as Noirin is done, I will begin the Auras and Self Examination at the Aura Door.”