As the staff of the Kawaii Superstar! went along with their natural routine a girl walked into the room. She had a old fashioned cap on and a long overcoat. Naturally it being a warm day out this was somewhat suspicious so the manager walked up to the girl, whom had been walking past the counter towards the elevator. The girl stopped when the man came near her and she gave him a confused stare, "Um can I help you?" the manager asked in English as the girl sighed deeply, "Oh I'm just going to visit a friend of mine in one of the apartments. She forgot something at her house and I need to give it to her." She said pulling out a small cellphone from her pocket and showing it to the man. "Well may I at least ask what the name of your friend is so I can make sure your not just sneaking in? Excuse me for the trouble but I must insist." The manager said to the young lady who growled in annoyance and told her the name of the pilot of Raider Gundam. "I was not told to be expecting guests for that specific group." the manager said hesitantly as the girl's eyes nonchalantly looked towards the elevator which was almost there. The girl looked fatigued due to her long coat and she was starting to sweat. "Well I suppose I can let it go this once since you came all the way here but I must insist that you leave your coat here." The girl panicked and shook her head quickly, "No please sir I got an embarrassing birth mark under my coat! I'm wearing a t-shirt under it and it won't cover the mark! This stupid coat is the only thing hiding it!" She pleaded with the manager who shook his head, "You may worry other guests young madam." He told her however the girl quickly backed into the elevator and shut the door. She kicked the manager back when he tried to make a grab for her and she quickly went to the middle of the building. The manager growled and he immediately went to go for the phone but it didn't pick up. "And that should do it...." said the man in a construction outfit as he finished planting electromagnetic disturbers that would prevent communication in the giant building. He sighed as he looked at the building, "Au revoir Rosie Roads." he said commenting about his comrade as he watched and waited. The girl stood there twirling her brown hair as she pulled out a picture of a small boy. He was six years old and she was his older sister and she wondered if this would be unfair but stopped and shook her head. "This is necessary Tyber said so." Rosie said as the door opened and she immediately walked out of it towards the end of the hallway. In the room the gundam pilots were still playing their game. And the one in the bathroom was just finishing getting out and putting clothes on. Raider was still in her room as the girl known as Rose walked towards the room. Her breathing labored in anticipation she calmly resigned herself to what was about to happen. She silently walked towards the room when a nearby rock star moved past her she ignored him. And when she finally arrived at the door she stood there as she grabbed her chest. She breathed in heavily and slowly as sweat started to bead from her head. The girl wondered briefly if she should do it. She could run away but immediately dismissed the idea. She reached out her hand ever so slowly and then came the knock, a slow deliberate thing. Knocking was heard as one of the pilots groaned. The one in Strike was the one voted to answer the door, "You lost the last two games for us go get the room service...they came quicker than I thought they would." the other pilot said as Strike's pilot moved towards the door. The pilot who was in the bathroom came out with a bath towel wrapped around his head. "Room seems to soon don't you think?" said the pilot as Strike laughed it off. As Rose stood there waiting for the door to open Strike laughed giddily as the pilot tripped over himself due to water on the floor. Strike's pilot....opened the door slowly and came face to face with the girl named Rose and looked at her confused. "Can I-" he started to say as the girl grabbed her coat and flung the sides to the left and right...revealing enough plastic explosives to level the entire section of their building. "FOR ZAFT!" Rose shouted defiantly in his face before Strike could react she pressed down on a small button the was on the edge of her coat....her last thoughts were of her little brother and how she wished she could have been with him for the rest of her life. ==== It all happened so quickly as Richard suddenly heard a loud explosive blast come from a building in a nearby shots rang out all across the courtyard as civilians started to scream. Richard had just arrived and he was already forced to get to cover quickly. He saw a group of ORB soldiers in a fire fight with a group of people near the hanger he was supposed to be at. However there was also another gun fight breaking out on the other end of the runway as well as it seemed that all hell had broken lose at the hanger base. He quickly ran into a nearby booth and tried to get a call going to the nearest security agents. "What's going on!?" he tried to call in using a nearby phone that was on the desk of the booth but the line was static and he shut it down. He only then noticed the guard was dead on the other side and he covered his mouth in shock. He shivered and only then did it dawn to him that ORB was under attack. He shook his head and wondered why he had such a bad feeling about today deep down inside of him. He had not wanted to note it but it was true he had felt something was wrong but he had just figured he was nervous. He closed the guard's eyes, ignoring the perfectly placed bullet mark in his blind spot and grabbed the man's gun and made a mad dash towards the hanger. He opened fire on the enemy who was attacking his fellow ORB soldiers and a group of unknowns who were helping them. "DON'T LET THEM THROUGH DAMN IT!!!!" the captain of the ORB soldiers aid as his buddies next to him were gunned down and he was forced into cover by SMG rounds pounding into the machine he was hiding behind. Richard reflexively rolled as bullets came sailing by him and he took cover behind a truck that had luggage in it. "Who's attacking us!?" Richard shouted but received no reply as the rifle fire coming in drowned out any noise as a group of soldiers fled towards a hanger. ==== "WHAT THE FLYING FUCK WAS THAT!?" Sendo shouted as he suddenly stopped his car. The military base was within sight but they were still a decent sight away. Sendo exited his car and looked out towards the city where smoke was rising. "No fucking way...." He said in shock as he shook his head. There was a tall building radiating with smoke and burning from the middle. Fire sirens were ringing and he could hear the sound of rifle fire out in the distance. "We're under attack! Damn it!" Sendo said jumping back into the car. "We got to get moving!" Sendo told Ace as he calmly went to put the car back into shift but suddenly Sendo's eyes widened, "GET DOWN!" he said pushing Ace down as a explosive of some sort, it must have been a small rpg, smashed into the car sending them flying towards the side of the road. Twirling and tumbling the car ended up on it's side. Whoever did it immediately bailed thinking no one could have survived that but in reality Sendo had saved Ace's life but pushing him down and covering him but Sendo pulled himself off of Ace as the sound of bone on metal was clear. He looked at Ace, "Get to the base....damn it" he was bleeding...badly. He was breathing but only shallowly and there was a large piece of metal through his gut. He was alive but barely. And then Sendo passed out from what must have been a concussion. The proud uniform of ORB that was decorated with so many stars and military insignia was covered in blood. === "What the hell!?" the soldiers outside the base said as suddenly they were gunned down by Lyon's group as the group silently moved forward. The group had silencers equipped and they were ready to move in as quickly as possible. Suddenly the door opened and the group prepared to open fire but didn't when Tyber's men waved for them to follow. "Well everything's working so far thank god we managed to get in without much trouble. Speaking of which...." said Lyon as he curb stomped a guy's throat into the pavement killing him instantly. "Where's the boss?" Kai asked as the soldiers moved into the building intent on taking the command center hostage. "Which one?" asked one of the soldiers, "Tyber of course dumbass!" He said as they ran through the hall way and gunned down four ORB guards who were walking down the hallway. One to shout but Lyon quickly rushed him and snapped his neck in order to save a bullet. "Tyber is off at the airfield. They stole a car and went down towards the airbase apparently more guards were coming and they needed extra help." He said as suddenly the arrived at the interface room for the mobile suit decks and shut down all systems that they could. The room was empty having been cleared out by Tyber's men before hand. "You know this won't stop those mass produced suits ORB makes for that long right?!" Kai said as he hurriedly worked on the console. "It's better than nothing we already got GINNS coming in to help!" he said as the communications room kicked in almost on cue, "HELP THERE'S GINNS ATTACKING US ON THE COAST! AHHH!" came the frenzied screams of panicked soldiers who were unfortunate enough to be blocking their way out of there into ZAFT held Africa. The group split into halves once more Kai and Lyon both were sent to the hanger bay of the base in order to hijack those mobile suits. Kai would get Buster if not he would try to steal Strike. "I'll handle one of those support models you guys get the rest!" Kai said as the soldiers agreed only to run into rifle fire from the hallway. Apparently the ORB Union wasn't going to be a complete push over! === "What's going on!?" the helms woman of the Archangel Class ship the [i]Lucifer[/i] said as she felt the ship rock with an explosive blast nearby. "We're under attack!" the communications officer said as he frantically tried to reach out to anyone but found no one. "Damn it they're jamming us! Is it ZAFT!?" the officer wondered but none of the crew knew what to do. The captain was outside in the hanger bay and so were they're pilots they were more or less sitting ducks unable to move or do anything! And ORB wasn't off any better! "Send out an alert signal anything just get moving! DO SOMETHING!" The commanding officer presiding for the captain told them as they immediately worked on getting the ship ready to launch and or move! With the gundam pilots not near their suits they would have to rely on ORB's pilots.