[Hider=Holy Realms] Nation Name: Holy Realms of St. Angela, Races of the Nation: Men High Men Celestines Abyssals Ghouls [/hider] [hider=Nation History + Fluff:] [b]From the official Angelan Church on the History of the Saint[/b]: “The tale of St. Angela began long ago in the days of the Old Kingdoms where the lands that would encompass the Holy Realms were ruled by a myriad of petty Kings vying against each other for any all reasons that men go to war for. They were what remained of the old Grand Empire whose ruined carcass was being fought over by it's descendants. Many dangerous creatures roamed the lands unhindered and free, tribes of wild Orcs, Ogres who grew accustomed to the taste of man-flesh, necromancers and other practitioners of the dark arts and many others. But worst of them all was the dragon Rothdargar which preyed on men and beast alike, none able to withstand her power, nor that of her Draconian children. It was a time of chaos, the Interregnum. Then came the shining light of St. Angela, a Celestial being who, seeing the despair of man, descended from the heavens to lend her aid. She united the Kingdoms under her banner and drove out all who threatened them. She fought Rothdargar and slew the dragon and her vile children, the Orcs were cast out and the Ogres slain but the greatest threat emerged only after the Holy Kingdom was formed. The practitioners of dark magics who thrived in the Interregnum went underground during the unification, hiding away from St. Angela's light and formed a threatening cult, the 'Bones of the Saint' in a mockery and insult of her. In the darkness and shadows they continued to practice their vile magics and even dared and were deluded enough to insinuate that St. Angela was a necromancer herself! The problem had been much reduced by the time of St. Angela's passing but still, one must still be weary of the black and white robed 'Bones' cults that hide under the eye of the Holy Inquisition. But they are not important, nor significant enough to pose a threat” [b]From the official Angelan Church on the Government and the Royal Family[/b]: “The Church of Angela is the rightful ruler of the Holy Lands, a responsibility granted to us by the great St.Angela. Through the temples and grand temples we administer the villages, the towns, the cities and the regions of the Holy Land. Through the schools, academies and collages we collect and deliver the knowledge that Her Greatness has taught and inspired us to do. Through her representatives of this mortal world, the Royal Family who were gifted with the great honour of bearing the name of Angela, we commune with her spirit and carry out her will.” [b]An excerpt from an unknown book, found in a Bones Cult hideout[/b]: “...what these blind fools fail to mention when they spout their 'history' is that Angela was hardly a saint. No, she was a Fallen, one of two along with her sister, our Mistress Esmerelda, that were cast out from the Kingdom of Heaven for dabbling far too much on the mortal realms. She was vain, greedy and a hedonist to the greatest degree. But that was not her greatest vice, no, she was a betrayer, as cunning as a serpent. She deceived and lied to her 'people', laying with their petty Kings to get them under her banner, spouting nonsense about faith and the higher learning to enthral the ignorant and make her and her sister seem like benevolent gods. In truth, she was changing them, shaping them to her own liking. Shaping them to feed her greed, laying with her own spawn to sate her lust, making them carve her likeness into everything to fulfil her vanity all while our noble Mistress set about doing the real work of slaying Orcs and crushing unruly Kings. In the end our Mistress was betrayed at the crisp of the sisters' glory when the dragon Rothdargar was slain and the creatures brood destroyed. Great Esmerelda was slain amid the chaos, stabbed in the back with dragon teeth by her 'beloved' sister. Oh that lying, traitorous whore knew not our Mistresses' brilliance. Let her and her ilk believe that Great Esmerelda is dead. Soon we will rise and take what was promised us” [b]From the journals of Brother Jasias[/b] “Exploring the ruins of this castle, which I believe is part of the Kingdom of Tarpar, I have come across many enlightening and interesting things. The people of the Old Kingdoms appear to have been so set in war that their fortresses and castles survived the trials of time far better than any works of their culture. Maybe that was intentional as I found in one room piles of ash and old, unintelligible books. However the most interesting object I have come across is a superbly carved statue of two women, seemingly interlocked in a lovers embrace. I write this because one of the figures of the statue greatly resemble Holy Saint Angela and the other is very similar in appearance, this may be depictions of the Saint when she was alive! A great discovery indeed but I do wonder who the other woman is, there has been no record of St.Angela having a relative. Without further evidence I would have to chalk this up as a more vulgar representation of her. Certainly it would not be the first, nor last, I have seen in my lifetime.” [b]From the Journals of Marquet Khaldarin, Merchant[/b] Ah, these Angelians are an interesting lot. Religious, devout and pray too much for my taste but they work hard and their crafts are excellent quality. Steel, stone and glass especially so, these sell like steaming bread in the next kingdom over. The glasswork in particular is impressive; they make them in all sizes and shapes from these tiny things that barely cover a baby’s hand to these huge sheets fully coloured and worked to perfection. In fact I saw on one of their churches this mural, stretching from end of the wall to the other, coloured with reds, golds, greens, silvers and all sorts. But the thing that caught my eye was this amazing piece on their Saint, all bright whites and gold, standing there in the middle with her four wings outstretched and a heavenly light coming from her. It seemed surreal almost, that man can make something so…beautiful. Anyway I digress, apparently pieces like these cost a mighty fortune but from what I seen getting a commission for one from one of the glassworkshops is well worth the price. These Angelians do another specialty, these ‘Celestine Crystals’ as they call them. They look like shiny crystals, little bigger than a thumb or a finger and the colour of quartz but by all the gods known and unknown they taste magnificent! I’ve tried sugar a few times before in my travels but this, this is simply so much better in every way. The sweetness just rolls in your tongue for so long from just one piece and it gives you this sort of…buzz. I can’t explain it, I feel so awake, I can feel the air as I breathe and I get this sort of energy that just…I can’t describe it but it’s gunna be a good seller I can bloody tell! They make all sorts with these Crystals from hard candied sweets, use them to bake with to make these delicious cake treats and even refine it into a kind of liquid version, almost like alcohol but in this form it becomes milder but the taste and feeling lasts for so much longer. Plus it aint bad mixing when you mix it with their delicious wines. These wines are another thing, there's something in their vineyards or they do something during the winemaking process that gives it an extra wallop. It's almost like liquor but still holds that sweet wine taste. Ive written dispatches to my contacts and already there's been much interest in it. The final item of note in my inventory will be this stallion [b]The High Men of the Holy Lands by Robert of Talins[/b] The High Men of our lands, these tall marble skinned fellows, are descendants of what was once the nobility of the old Grand Empire. Or so it is widely believed and there has been little evidence to disprove this claim so, for now at least, that theory will hold truth. They, along with the rare ruins and objects of times past are what remained of this lands great Imperial history of which we, sadly, know little about, the cataclysm having destroyed many records and works of our ancestors. These High Men, after the fall of the Empire, became the Arch-Dukes and Kings of the Old Kingdoms using their reputation as great fighters, their keen intelligence and their amassed wealth to found Kingdoms or to take old ones. Their lineage as a rightful ruling class of this land is long indeed. However, much changed with the coming of our Great Saint as the High Men at the time of her descent were riven with in-fighting and created much havoc and war amongst themselves and all men-kind who dwelled under them allowing for the destructive influences of necromancy and witchcraft to take deep hold. The conflicts that followed are well known and so I will not cover them, instead I shall detail the role of the High Men in these conflicts. At first many did not believe in the good-natured and beneficial arrival of our Great Saint so the High-Men rulers rejected her offers to end the violence and unite. Only when St Angela showed her power and bested King Tarbus of Vael in combat did they begin to listen. One by one all the kings, dukes and arch-dukes either accepted her power and right to rule or were destroyed by her might or that of her loyal following, which by this time included the Kingdoms of Vael and Almostra, the Grand Duchy of Talins and would later incorprate the Duchies of Colveran and Alexiad. The High Men of today are descendants of the loyal followers of St.Angela when she had first arrived and retain their positions of power but now also serve under the Bloods of our Saint. They provide the administrative services needed to operate the land, they are the lecturers and scholars of our academies and universities and in times of war they also field, as their ancestors had done before them, the mighty Knightly army of our holy army. [/b] [/hider] [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/335/f/d/gold_angel_wings_gothic_pendant_by_leboudoirnoir-d4hv875.jpg]Symbol of the Angelian Faith[/url] [hider=The Duties] [b]The Duties, as set out by Great St.Angela herself[/b]: “Ones first duty is to learn. To educate ones self is to grant access to all of ones ability, to make use of the body and mind you were given to it's fullest potential. Learn to understand the wonder of the divinity, learn to see their power and might, learn to emulate their grace, learn to aspire to their riches. To learn is to open one's eyes to the divine. Ones second duty is to protect. To protect those whom they love, to protect those whom they serve, to protect those whom they worship. To raise one's arms in defence of these is to show strength of faith, and the strength of ones mind and body. Ones third duty is to obey. Obedience to your superiors, the divines of my blood, is paramount to the strength of ones character and faith and the realm. To obey is to know one is subservient to another, a peasant to their lord, a lord to their king and a king to their goddess. To obey is to follow the natural order and be part of something larger, more powerful than oneself can ever become alone. Ones fourth duty is to provide. To provide for oneself, ones family, ones neighbours and ones lord. To provide what your talents allows; food, crafts, gold or steel. Providing is both kindness and a responsibility. Render unto your lord that which they are owed, render unto your neighbour that which they need. This way one is both dutiful and kind. Ones fifth duty is to perform industriously. By doing so one has more to render unto their lord and share with their neighbours. By having more, making more, there is more to be had, more to be given. Ones sixth duty is to worship. Worship the divine in the temples, worship in the shrines, worship in your homes. Profess your love and adoration for me and them for they are mighty and are deserving of it. Worship by prayer, worship by action, worship by penance, worship with gold with silks with crafts, worship with threadbare hands and empty stomachs. All should worship for all are below the eyes of the Divines. Ones seventh duty is to not fear death. Death is not an end but a new beginning. Death will bring one to the gates of the Golden Temple whereupon your life shall be judged and if you prove true to your duties you shall be granted entrance to the Golden Plain. However, if one is judged as sinner they shall be cast back down to the earth, their souls forced into wretched existence from which they shall repeat their lives in atonement and repentance. [/hider] [hider=Important Characters]: [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/120/1/c/warrior_of_nature_adv_by_kir_tat-d63lhih.jpg]St. Angela(Deceased)[/url] [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/310/9/a/lich_queen_by_adriandadich-d6t9g1n.jpg]Esmerelda(Location Unknown)[/url] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/170/3/5/white_crow_by_cg_zander-d69jxth.jpg]Queen Mother Arriene Angelas[/url] [b]King Tarkaras Angelas[/b] Tarkaras was made king when his father died at the age of forty three, still relatively early but he had a decent enough reign when he had fallen to illness. Tarkaras took up the Golden Winged Throne at the age of twenty five having undergone education at both the Angelias Military and Theological Academies. Tarkaras was born inheriting his mother's skin affliction, the remnant scars of which ran from his left hand up to the left side of his face and creeping slightly into his neck and collar. Usually this is passed of as a blessing from St.Angela, carving onto the skin the patters she desires to see. Sometimes however when foreign dignitaries visit he covers it with long sleeved clothing and a beautiful golden mask, intricately carved with the patterns of wings. His hair is platinum blond, near white, his eyes a dark blue with the left much lighter, almost cloudy. [b]Queen Monzcarro Angelas[/b] Queen of the Holy Lands and Duchess of Talins, Monzcarro is a powerful, and rich, figure within the Theocratic State. Commanding the Grand City of Talins, the Holy Lands' main port and coastal city, gives her ample wealth but her ability to manage a Duchy leaves more to be desired, most of it is handled by her Stewards and Ducal Councilors. Though she is fair in her rule she is also brutally firm, a characteristic that is not uncommon amongst the Holy Lands' rulers. Most of the time though she contents herself with staying in the capital with her brother-husband Tarkaras leaving her Duchy to her loyal Councillors. Standing at a full five foot eight with pale skin, green eyes and blood red hair Monzcarro is an attractive woman, avoiding the skin disease her mother had been afflicted with and when her pasty complexion is hidden by make-up powder. Her dark green eyes hold a steely gaze. Monzcarro often prefers to wear functional clothing rather than the robes of the priesthood or the elaborate dresses of the nobility. Of course, she is still aware of styles, if only to keep up a modicum of noble appearance. Plain coloured, fashionable, garments, trousers with a skirt over, elbow length gloves and knee-high boots. Typically she wears a silk-green cloak bearing the emblem of Talins; St.Angela clutching a red eyed serpent. The most notable thing about her wardrobe is her penchant for beautifully decorated lower face-masks. This is all of course to hide her numerous disfigurements; a crippled right hand permanently curled into a talon, a right leg shorter than the left and a slack right jaw that has a tendency to drool a little on occasion. Thankfully, unlike her mother her wings had fully developed, beautiful white feathers arching upwards to the side from her back [b]Magicians[/b] [b]Grand Cardinal Virgilian Brash[/b] Cardinal Victoria Sanctum Cardinal Therese Voerman Cardinal Maveran Rhoder Cardinal Elain Brightwing [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/192/7/8/bad_angel_level_up_by_zhangqipeng-d6czxgg.jpg]Master of the Inquisition Trinitia Dracken[/url] [b]Heroes of the Realm[/b] Witchfinder General Morrigan Le Fay [url=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121111005829/leagueoflegends/images/2/29/Kayle_UnmaskedSkin_Ch.jpg]Grandmaster Marjolaine Zephyra[/url] [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/345/2/5/leader_of_the_light_by_diegodealmeida-d5npzak.jpg]Grandmaster Tycharian Findaleus[/url] [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/066/5/5/angel_by_ramsesmelendeze-d5nmxlr.jpg]Grandmaster Paksenarrion Deododara[/url] [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/298/c/3/ezekai_by_standalone_complex-d5iwo1n.jpg] Grandmaster Victarian Marshall [/url] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/364/6/c/the_retirement_ceremony_of_an_old_knight_by_tahra-d7001rv.jpg]Grandmaster Barian Bosht[/url] [/hider] [hider=Traits] Traits: National Traits: 6 Chosen of God Church Rule Unsoiled Reputation Law and Order Winged Messengers Public Baths Population Traits: 6 Religious We Stand as One! Executions Unquestionable Violence Loyal Brave Academic Traits: 8 Medicine Education Theological University Hunger for Knowledge Missionaries Inquisition Tradesman Academy University of War Military Basic Traits: 4 Superior Training Heavy Armour Siege Train Many Walls Archery Traits: 3 Blot out the Sun Witch Hunters Monster Hunters Infantry Traits: 4 Hold the Line Witch Hunters Warrior Monks Legion Cavalry Traits: 4 Lords of the Joust Masterful Cavalry Thunder of Hooves Cavalry Concourse Navy Traits: 2 Dragon Ships Ramming Speed Airborne Traits: 2 Pegasus Control the Skies Tradesman Traits: 6 Farmhands Ranchers Religious Icons Master Smiths Master Stonemasons Master Glassworkers Siege Walls Siege Stores Buy only the Best Merchant Traits: 9 A little money here and there Guildhouses Got friends in High Places Trade Tongues Angarak Gold Deep Pockets and Long Arms Super Caravans Exotic Trade Goods Magecraft Traits: 4 Element of Fire Holy Magic Scholars of Power Henges of power Monster Traits: 0 Mechanist Traits: 3 Steam Engines Locomotive Greek Fire Custom Traits: -Preachers of Steel: Your preachers can do far more than simply stand on a street corner and yell at the top of their lungs for hours on end. They travel in armed retinues and carry the garments of war, eliminating evil and aiding the needy in their travels to spread the word. In doing so they are mostly more than welcome in other lands and preach with more ease than normal. In times of need these preachers can even be drafted into the military, inspiring the soldiery by their presence, deeds and stories. -Spread the Word: Your preachers, diplomats, traders, hell even soldiers, basically anyone who goes out of the border carries with them the will and material to preach your religion to the uninformed and ignorant. They do so in more numbers and ability than simple preachers on their own. Flaws: Inbred Cult of Bones Haunted by the Past [/hider] [hider=Territory]: The Holy Lands are mostly rich and fertile plains and fields criss-crossed by numerous rivers big and small. The land is conducive to both farming and ranching with the rivers providing ample fishing, in many ways rivers are the most convenient form of transport though it is no more free of banditry than on the roads. Naval power is concentrated more on the rivers, thus the predominance of rowing ships. However locomotives have changed the landscape providing another alternative of transport. It is a relatively flat landscape with only rolling hills and gentle slopes to provide any sort of incline. Due to the abundance of water however marshes, swamps and bogs are also prevalent. Flooding is also a problem in some areas depending on the season. The land is also dotted with the remains of the Old Kingdoms and, when fortune allows, the Grand Empire before them. It is a place steeped in rich history, of old civilizations that were washed away by water and time leaving only the skeletal carcass of what once stood mighty and tall. Capital City (30) Citadel (40) River x 4 (24) Plains x 2 (12) Large City (30) Plains x2 (12) Forest x2 (8) River x2 (12) Large Coastal City (30) Coastal x 3 (18) River x 1 (6) Plains x 2 (12) Fortress (30) Forest x1 (4) Plains x 2 (12) River x 1 (6) Plains x3 (18) River x2 (12) [/hider] [hider=Army:] 316 Regiment Points High Men (2) Royal Guard (4) Heavy Cavalry (2) Warrior Monks (2) x4 (40) High Men (2) Royal Guard (4) Archers () Warrior Monks(2) x2 (16) High Men (2) Royal Guard (4) Infantry () Warrior Monks(2) x4 (32) High Men (2) Experienced (1) Warrior Monks (2) Heavy Cavalry (2) x 10 (70) Men (2) Experienced (1) Witch Hunter (3) x10 (60) Men (2) Experienced (1) Legionaries (2) x 8 (40) Men (2) Experienced (1) Monster Ranger (2) x5 (25) Men (2) Experienced (1) Ranged () x4 (12) Men (2) Experienced (1) Light Horse (1) x 6 (24) Command: 79 Celestine (1) Hero of the Realm (5) x 6 (36) Celestine (1) Mage (6) x 6 (41) Air Force: Pegasus x70 Navy: Longships x10 Galley x25 [/hider]