Dropping down from his toss he saw Drag and Fury on a direct collision course, unsure about the outcome of this battle he stood there and thought long and hard with his bear brain. In his mind he saw poor mathematics and somewhat cartoonish depictions of the situation. Fury is this strong, he thought, breaking metal and rock super easily. Drag is also strong, but not as strong. The weapon thing that burns his nose is strong too, and Drag can use that to make himself stronger. The bear looked down at the rubble and broken cars on the ground around him, the fight between Fury and Freedom had left behind a good bit of destruction. Then for a moment he thought about how he had thrown Drag, that gave him a bit of a speed boost. Sukoh could throw things up in the air! Then looking upwards he saw the blast strike his friend's hand, his grip persisted however and he started in a mad spiral in the air. Drag was going to be super dizzy by the end of this. But his friend was in trouble, Sukoh saw Fury flying towards him after the blast, and there wasn't much that he could do to prevent that. His friend would be alone in this venture for a little bit, but simple as it was Sukoh had a plan. The great bear meandered over to the wall of a building, placing his paw through the shattered window and swiping from side to side. Collapsing the walls of the structure and sending chunks of concrete and rebar falling down to the ground. This would be sufficient stuff to throw, it would at least provide distraction. With his enormous mouth he started to scoop up the foul tasting material and stuffing it into his cheeks with his tongue. It poked at his tongue and the roof of his mouth right painfully but it was nowhere near the pain that Drag would experience without help. Sukoh prepped himself, positioning his body in such a way to be exactly what Drag described him as. A Bear-a-pult. With one last look upwards he tucked his chin into his chest and crouched down low to the ground. Lowering himself would allow for more of a buildup of speed as he rose. He kept his mouth closed but loose and his back arched upwards, this was just about the optimal positioning for catapulting a few hundred pound of debris into the air.