Don't worry, each roleplayer is a derp in their own special way. Don't put one of us on a pedestal just because our posts look good or contain high quality content. Some of us are really lazy and post only a couple sentences at a time but are really good at connecting a plot or giving our characters a lot of emotion. Others might be able to produce posts with 3 to 5 long paragraphs but they're mostly fluff or don't focus on anything important. And those are just examples. Each roleplayer has their strengths and weaknesses and we're usually really good at accepting our own and each other's. All in all, don't be scared or embarrassed. In the end we're all brought here for the same reason - a love of roleplay! And that's all that should really matter. So get out there and have fun, and don't worry about others. And... Welcome to the Roleplayer's Guild!!