*Beep Beep Beep* *SLAP!* Axyl hit the alarm clock so hard that it nearly fell off of the nightstand. He loved the whole "early to bed, early to rise" philosophy, but the truth is that "early to rise" is never easy, even if you went to bed at 8pm...which he didn't. He walked into the kitchen and boiled water to put in his french press. After starting the stove he took a shower and and get his clothe on. By this time the water was almost boiling over. He took a deep breathe of coffee. "High School..." he thought, "Just two more years." He loved high school, but the fact was that he was ready to get on with his life. He opened a book and started reading it at the table. He set an alarm on his phone for 20 minutes after school started. There was no point in being on time, they would call us all to the gym and give us the same opening ceremony speech they had for the past 2000 years. He then connected his phone to the bluetooth speakers that were scattered throughout his house and played instrumental piano music through them. He went to his front porch and got the news paper and began reading it. Hours past as he read the paper and drank his coffee. He then made breakfast and just as he was eating the last bite of his egg white omelette his alarm went off. He threw his messenger bag over his shoulder and tucked the paper beneath his arm. He walked down the street to school and gave the paper to a homeless man each morning, along with the leftovers from his breakfast, this morning that was an apple and two pieces of toast. "Sorry Tomohisa, no meat today." he said with a smile. "Big day! First day of school Axyl" the man replied, taking the paper "It's not nearly as big third time around." Axyl replied as he walked away never missing a step.