[url=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/690659-bigthumbnail.jpg] (Click me!)[/url]. "Now that's some very interesting images we're seeing from Shakespeare. Any comments on it?" Nothing but cold, apathetic stares all around. It was enough to make Annwen forget her job, retire, and live out her lives as a Herbal supplement sale girl. Her students eyes bore into her with the cold detachment of an animal, waiting for her to spoon-feed them what they needed to know to pass their next test, the next step in their 'college careers'. She held out hope, waiting just a little longer, before her shoulders sank. With a resigned sigh, she wrote the quote on the board. "Lady Macbeth is asking to be 'unsexed' here," she said. "Eliminating any traits considered soft and sweet; removing the matron in her by replacing the milk in her breasts with gall so that the murder of Duncan will go smooth." "Ew," a girl in the back stuck out her tongue. "Well, we can't all be super models," Annwn sighed, just as it hit the end mark. "You're dismissed." She let them all file out, collecting her own gear. She sighed, strapping her bag over her shoulder. [i]This generation is doomed; dead on arrival[/i].