If this is still open... [hider=Mikkel, the Witch]Name: Mikkel Beon Nickname: Mickey Age (appearance/actual): 65/22 Gender: Male Species: Witch Weakness: Salt, holy water (consecrated) Powers: Hex healing, ritual magic, alchemy. Performing role/Primary Position: Potion Brewer Secondary position (Optional): Medic History before circus: Mikkel had a long and storied life before joining the circus. Born in Germany's Black Forest to a witch mother who had cast a spell during his conception, hoping for a girl child to carry on her magical line. Assuming the spell had failed, she and her red-haired cat, Ishmael, raised Mikkel to be ignorant of her magical heritage before sending him to study in a boarding school in England. While at school, Mikkel's powers began to manifest in odd and interesting ways. Flowers and plants would respond to his touch in the gardens, and the simple woven knots and crafts his mother taught him to make became rumored good luck charms. Before he could sail home, the firs World War broke out and Mikkel found himself stranded in the British Isles for the duration, kept under careful watch by the local authorities. After the war, the adult Mikkel returned home to find his mother's cottage gone- destroyed in the fighting that spilled over from the border. With no sign of his mother, he eventually made his way to Berlin, spending many years working as an apothecary and pharmacist. With the rise of Nazism, Mikkel was forced to flee one of the many pogroms against the undesirable populations in the city- only to find himself taking refuge with a peculiar group of strangers outside the city limits... History in circus (Unless just joining): Mikkel has been a staple of the circus since the end of the Second World War. Apprenticing to the other magicians for a decade, he learned the precise nature of his powers- that of a male witch. His ritually created knots and baubles quickly sold as bracelets and earrings as a vendor, and his potions were often sold as "sodas" to the crowds of pedestrians. Every town and village they stopped at, he would often ask around if anyone had seen a young, golden-haired woman with green eyes and a red cat after the First war... Personality: Whimsical craftsman, Mikkel spends hours at night weaving and cutting strands of twine into new baubles to sell at the Circus' booths. While traveling, he can be found scouring the countryside for roots, flowers and herbs to use in his potions. His curious mind is always moving in new directions and never stopping to consider the potential downsides of new herbal experiments. Some of these concoctions have been saved for rain cancellations, but others have led to some property damage. His greatest failing seems to be his naivete. At the age of 65 and after two World Wars, one would think Mikkel would be more sarcastic or world weary, but his unwaveringly positive view of everyone he meets has been met with scorn by most of the cast, while the rest seem to assume it's some sort of defense mechanism against past trauma. Appearance: [img]http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=cvCEvHIXPy-6dM&tbnid=bykvmeoR7JtHOM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwarriorcatsrpg.com%2Findex.php%3Ftopic%3D578083.0&ei=HJ5uU8n6NJOPyASV6oDwBA&bvm=bv.66330100,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNH7BAh_lUwCnXJReGS40Ro9trKSug&ust=1399844696999720[/img] [/hider]