@Daemon: I understand completely, I'm always happy to help, the basics are that they are Anti-Muslim (because your average person is afraid of Muslims) and will do or say anything to scare the public and turn that fear into votes for them. They have even gone as far as to kill a group of people using plainclothes officers in a drive-by style shooting and blaming it on gang activity. @Variable: They started out as a pissed off group of anarchists doing anything they could to hurt the FEA after a 15 year old's death. The boy was shot to death at an ant-fascist protest to set an example to the rest of the black bloc who were present that destruction or general chaos would be met with lethal force, they took the name The Free because the kid's bandana said "I am Free" on it. After the initial outrage a lot of people went to jail or were killed in action and even more people lost the drive, there are still a number of them all over Canada, but most of them are in Toronto because that was where it happened, and they are, at the moment, a loose organization with no leadership that organize with the people they know. Recently a man taking up the name Freedom (after the nickname given to the 15 year old who died) has started a DarkNet site for all the members of The Free to meet and organize on and he frequently gives advice on what moves to make because he somehow has inside information on the FEA's movements and plans (he says it's because he's a professional hacker but other people have accused him of either being a member of the FEA working for the Free on the inside or an FEA informant who is working to try and get them all into one place so they can all be arrested at once). So, to answer your question in short (even though I already wrote out the long version above), for the moment they are a loose organization with no central leadership and are quickly becoming more organized and more dangerous now that they have inside information on the FEA being supplied to them.