Beta has been banned for arguments/trolling/whatever on another thread, so if you are dealing with one of his characters, don't expect him to show up any time soon, if ever. I heard it's a permanent ban but am not 100% sure if that's accurate or not. We can just assume it is until further notice. I need to add more arenas pretty soon. [quote=AlterNathan] where are all these C1 ones coming from?its really rare for a first year to get in C classits mostly D and E class in first year [/quote] It's rare among NPCs, but among playable students we have to anticipate that a lot of people would want to be at the top, as must of us probably want to be S rank by the end of the 4th year, so we'll just have to accept it. To get to S rank you have to be 1 rank above the two normal ones at some point in time. Of course it's really rare to start out 1 rank above and maintain that during the entire school, but it's not 100% unheard of. [quote=LillyDove] No one mentioned that. [/quote] In the first post, the second "paragraph" in ranking (which is more like a sentence). [quote=Kal-El] Will finish this week...Been dealing with the death of a friend so it shut down my ability to rp for some time. [/quote] Sorry to hear that. Take your time. [quote=LillyDove] Name: Shaya Ueshiba Name: Rourke Akane [/quote] Accepted. Well, I guess it depends on how blurred of vision. They should still see all of the shapes, just not finer details, correct? If all they saw was like a huge grey blur or something for the person that would be too powerful. [quote=Masaki Haruna] Name: Hasegawa Kyouka [/quote] Accepted. The examples given for illusion seems alright as long as the "etc." isn't some super powerful illusion or something. :hmm