Victor was bringing up the rear, gunning down any insurgents that managed to survive the fiery onslaught of the woman ahead of him. There weren't many, so he also spent some time mining out side rooms with grenade fire and C4 blocks. He was reloading his USAS12s when the monster suit appeared. He stopped, and even before Natalie told him to try rockets and grenades he had already raised his XM307 and rapid fired several rounds, and emptied his left side rocket pods on it. From his angle it looked like they were good hits, then the smoke and flames cleared, "Fucking trophy system!" He dodged away from Natalie, getting into cover, popping out to snap off shots at the behemoth, trying to see if he could overwhelm the defense system. He growled, "I can't do shit against that trophy system, what the balls is this seriously." He got hammered by a few of the explosive rounds, his HUD warning him of several outer layer breaches. He ducked back again. He looked back at Natalie then listened to her plan, "I like it. It's worth a shot!" He put up his XM307 for now, and reloaded his USAS12s. Then stepped around the corner. He took aim, flipped the fire selector on the weapon to full auto, then with extreme prejudice, pulled the triggers. The trophy stopped maybe every 1 in 5 shots. But he had those huge twenty round drum mags. So there were still sixteen rounds to go outside of those four that were stopped. And they were enough to shred the trophy system. He let out a war whoop as he saw the structure tumble. But then swore, dropped the USAS12s, and swung up the XM307 again, hammering the big bertha of a suit. He kept backing away, taking more and more rounds, the heavy thick frontal armor of his suit shreding under the continuous fire the big auto-cannon. He grunted, and called out, "You try and squeeze through rock hun. I'm not going any where!" He had to let the XM swing soon. As where he was boxed in there was very little room for the grenades to arm, and would just be causing blunt damage. He growled, and grabbed out his tomahawks. Putting on of them right into the visor of the helmet, the other slamming into the shoulder chest and stomach of the suit, biting into armor. "Do something quick hun! I may not last...fuck!" He hollered that last out painfully as a round finally made it past some of his armor, but missed actually punching into flesh and ripped across his hip. He groaned, and with tomahawks still drawn got right into the behemoths face. Right before being lifted bodily, something only Natalie could usually manage, and was sent flying and skidding back into the cave he had been pinned in. He coughed trying to catch his breath. He looked up at the thing, then blinked as the thing turned. And saw the C4 block he grinned, "Push her off you say?" He got up, and once again pulled off a feat of strength fitting of mythological beings like Heracles or Atlas. He grabbed the large suit by a hip plate and a brace on the back then with a push, sent it stumbling forward. Where it began to fire on Natalie. Victor darted back, grabbed on of the USAS12s, spun on his heel, slammed a new drum into place, then with a steady hand, fired. The round punched into the C4 block, the small explosive charge in to raufoss based round going off, setting off the C4 charge, then sending a tungsten-carbide penetrator into the armor below the tanks. But that wasn't anything compared to the explosion that went off and ripped open the suits back, and sent shock waves into the inside of the armor. Victor raised the USAS again, and emptied the shots into the open back of the suit, just to make sure. He roared a warcry while doing so. His choler up now. The front of his armor ripped to shreds and only parts of the lowest layer still in place from getting hammered by the beasts cannon.