vallisun keeper of the woods, central vallenwood: as it stood we stopped having a king after the last usurper to the bosmer throne was under dadric influence so instead of a king to rule all without pretense I was given the title of keeper of the woods, I was known to other nations as a representative to the nation of vallenwood. we avoided fights as much as we could and instead took to being an economic power as some of the clans agreed to going to elswer to continue our moon sugar trade a few clans near the coast kept trading our bones and furs to our cousins the altmer of the summerset isles. although I was a representative I had no throne or any special privileges I went and hunted my own food like every bosmer and I never cared to be pampered like the damned altmer rather I earned my spot because of my skills in negotiation and economic mind apart from my brothers and sisters in vallenwood. under the green pact we were strict carnivores so I grabbed my bow and arrows as I climbed the tree for a vantage point. our climbing skills rivaled that of the kajit themselves. I waited as an elk came nearby and I shot it dead easily as I jumped down and started to ear my dinner raw. Although we ate all flesh including those of our enemies we were pacifist and we wouldn't go to war with anyone knowing that under our green pact we would eat our enemies and need to go through a fast before the battle. we defended the forests with our lives and are damn good at it but outside the forest to win a war we would need help, since archery could only take us so far.