Name: Aaron Chen Age: 25 Gender: Male Personality: Kind-Hearted, Wise, Can be compassionate and caring of others. Thinks of the brighter sides of life and is Charming. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Bio: Aaron was born and raised in Taiwan for 20 years before moving to New York for the remaining 5 years. He lived a normal life, or thought he did. When Aaron was 12 years old, his father grew ill and was put in the hospital for many months. His father was a Carpenter and worked hard and diligently. Three months later he passed away. When Aaron was 17 years old, his sister passed away in a car accident with her high school friends. It was a difficult time for him because he was losing family members and him and his mother were having a difficult time. They could not keep up payment there in Taiwan and moved to the US when he was 20. His family was very poor at the time due to all the hospital payments from his father and sister. His mother worked in a Cafe, and at the time was having heart problems. She too passed away. This left Aaron alone in the US without any family members to reach out to, so he had to gather himself together and work hard and diligently just like his parents did, fight for himself like they did and try to stay strong like they did. Back when Aaron was a child growing up, he loved music and liked to sing. He also works in a Printing Shop to try and gain money for survival. He lives in an abandoned warehouse and at times after work, he sings at the Subway Station to try and earn a little extra money from what his job could not give him to help him survive another day. Extra: Keeps a silver locket around his neck that has a picture of his family that he keeps close and never takes off. Can sing and play the Guitar. Is Taiwanese and can speak both Taiwanese and English. (Has a slight accent when speaking English though) Works at a Printing Shop by himself with his 'Errand running boss' Sean Wesley who tends to leave him alone to work all the time.