Too much pondering left one tired, so tired that they begin to fall again. Back down the rabbit hole, as she called it. Ash drifted slowly down the drop, feeling rather guilty that she couldn't up hold Vapor's request to stay conscious, but for some reason her brain insisted on sleep. So she did, and it seemed as though everything was back to normal. Around, the tight walls of the tunnel widened and eventually Ash found herself surrounded by flowing fields of grass and flowers, and a sky that seemed to gleam purple. Dreamland. She allowed her knees to buckle and body to relax as the world around her spun, visions of the day she had just experienced flashing throughout. This was a leisurely activity that Ash found herself partaking in after a long or exciting day, it was a nice way to remember (or forget) what had happened before. Plenty of images appeared, meeting up with Pete, speaking with Snow, noticing Vapor out of the corner of her eye. One picture stuck, the sight of Rumple, and then it just became another blurry memory. Lots of things just became blurry memories nowadays. "Perhaps I am mad." Ash spoke out loud to herself, leaning back on her arms as she gazed up at the strange purple sky that was slowly shifting into a deep green color. Did normal people see this sky in their dreams? It was a strange to think about. There are plenty of strange things to think about here, like how the flowers giggle at nothing and how the animals talk and walk and wear human clothes and how the drinks make you shrink and the cakes make you grow. Thinking thinking and more thinking... [i]'Ash...'[/i] She jolted when she heard someone call her name and the beautiful land suddenly vanished like smoke, being replaced with the dull colors of the guild library. Someone had called out to her and Pete, someone she couldn't recgonize by voice. Seems as though Snow wanted to have another little chat. "Curious..." she whispered, standing slowly, ignoring the creak of her bones as she did so. Blue eyes scanned the room, but was only met with a maze of wood and books, and without turning to see if Pete was following, she ventured into the asisles, hands flowing softly over the thick bounded books on the shelves. The voice called out again, though Ash barely heard it this time, as she was too focused on the ground, which seemed to be shifting from brown to green right before her very eyes. The feeling of sleepiness clutched at Ash's brain and made her entire being felt heavy and oppressed, while visions of dreams flickered every so often in front of her, but she continued walking. On and on and on until her body collided with another and her eyes widened with fear and embarrassment. She fell back, managed to catch herself on the edge of the shelf, and stammered out a 'S-s-sorry!' before glancing up to see who she had run into. A woman Ash only knew by the name of Marian. She had overheard Snow speaking to her (or was it about her?) a day or two before. Ash straightened and gave a small, polite bow, "H-h-hello. Snow wanted to see us?" [i][center]~Vapor[/center][/i] The one that smelled of smoke and whiskey had gone to fetch Ashling and her companion after receiving orders from Snow. Apparently, they were heading to the courtyard. Vapor slowly stood, eyes glaring down at the group as he realized that they were obviously going to be showing off their battling skills. A pang of worry quickly faded and he grinned his same old dazzling grin before vanishing into a puff of mist, moving quickly and quietly from his hiding spot towards the courtyard. He would only watch, he would not interfere. He wasn't one to involve himself in trivial matters like training and fighting... But he would stick around, just in case.