Howard had been firing off a few rounds on the gun range, making sure his aim was still true, and his scope in order. He had been having a fun little time, trying to pull off ricochet shots on a target behind a concrete wall. When the call to mobilize had come. He grabbed his rifle, and bolted through the buildings. He'd ran to the armory and arsenal, reaching it just a little behind Antoine, and had grabbed his kit. His combat BDUs in black, grey and brown, padded gloves and boots, the ghille swung over that, going from casual to bush-wookie suddenly. He grabbed his carbine, his 'hawks and all his extra kit. Placing them where he can reach them in a reasonable fashion. He also quickly grabbed live rounds, and explosives, slotting them away. He also grabbed the tins of face paint he used. And made for the plane. ---- Hours later, he had woken about 2 hours before, used to late and early nights while hunting. His stalks would take place in the dead of night or in the early morning dark. It didn't matter when you were a sustenance hunter. You had to eat. So he was wide awake and bushy tailed, and had been applying his face paint. The hunters mask taking shape bit by bit. A hand mirror and his fingers and a Popsicle stick being used to apply the paint. He looked up at Antoine when she woke and he smiled, "I ought to take you on one of my hunts one day. Get you used to dead of night wakefulness." He grins playfully at Antoine. He then put his paints away in a pouch, stood up and moved over to get a parachute on, "Creator watch all of us." He grinned then pulled his ghille tight. He caught air out behind Antoine. Woofing abit as the chute was pulled and they began to drift down. He aimed for a clearing, it was close to the GPS point and wouldn't put him too far off course. He landed lightly, his moose bone handle knife whispering out and cutting through his cords, and shrugging his chute pack off, stuffing chute and pack under a tree to be recovered later. He tapped his mic, "Lasagna on the ground. Do you're thing Bluebird, I'll do mine. I saw a firing position just a little west of the base. It won't take me long to get there." He unshouldered his carbine and made into the foliage. Picking his way carefully, his eyes quickly getting used to the almost complete dark of the undergrowth. He vanished into the leaves, as he went he plucked fronds and leaves from the ferns and bushes, adding them to his ghille, customizing the suit to the environment. He encountered a few patrols as he made his way to the firing location. Three man walking patrols with torches and flashlights, making their night vision poor. He took them out silently, then dragged them off their paths. This would make the other groups progress easier. He tapped his mic, "Three patrols down Bluebird, how does the compound look? ETA on my end, 2 minutes. Team Two, you ought to start your landing soon. Once I start firing things will light up pretty fast." He continued to jog through the undergrowth reaching an out cropping then began to climb, already a grin on his face, as he now got to do what he did best, make a long range mess of people. He never missed, and he was going to prove that soon.