When Sara reached the ferry, she sighed not in relief, but in exasperation. [i]Why is he here? Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse.[/i] She thought. Over by the ferry dock, come a little early to greet them, was the next patrol team headed by a strongly postured man that wore a feces-eating grin upon spotting Sara. He was in a guard uniform, mounted on a chocobo as usual, but he was a large muscular man with short brown hair and an angular face. His hair conjoined a beard that curtained his jaw and chin. The next ferry could be seen int the distance approaching them, so Sara would have to suffer this man's presence for a few disgusting minutes. Sara approached the ferry dock without looking at him directly, and with a look of utter contempt on her face. "Arnaud." He said in greeting, his smile still wide. "Mulligan." Sara returned, still contemptuous. "Did you enjoy your patrol, sweetling?" This caused Sara to turn her head slightly to him, her eyes boring a hole in his face. "You call me 'sweetling' one more time-" Sara pointed the end of her halberd towards Mulligan, "-and this will go so far down your throat that you'll be passing that retched tongue through your soil for the rest of your life." Mulligan simply chuckled lightly pushing aside the point of Sara's halberd with one gloved finger. "You always had a way with words, Sara-" "-Don't you call me by my first name." Sara interrupted, looking at the ferry again, "not after you dobbed me in to the captain and let that dreg son of a bureaucrat off to sell more narcotics to those people on the docks." "Hey, I'm just doing my job," Mulligan replied non-chalantly, enjoying every moment of it. With that, Sara glanced at him, fuming. She wanted nothing more than to beat him black and blue and throw him into a pond, but that would earn her a suspension she didn't need right now. With an exhale through her nose so intense it almost breathed fire, Sara held back. "I have nothing to say to you," She said under her breath, focusing on the very slow ferry. Sara's team behind her knew better than to get involved. It wasn't just how sensitive the matter was politically, but 'disciplinary action upon subordinates' was within Sara's rights.