It was normal for Jake to be out on patrol during a week night, but this evening felt a little different than the others. Instead of the normal cool crisp air there was an almost muggy warmth to the breeze. Thankfully instead of having to seek out some air conditioned space Jake had the best answer in town. Moving closer to the edge of the apartment building he leaned forward and fell off the edge of the 50 story high rise. As he fell he reached out and with a flick of his write activated his webbing which latched onto a nearby building and propelled him into a swinging arc down the street. The speed brought the muggy breeze into the world of brisk chill. The whole thing accompanied by a rather energetic outburst from Jake. Moving through the streets at an unprecedented speed considering the traffic Jake had already mapped out his route and within ten minutes was across downtown in the diamond district. A series of crimes had made this area top the charts of possible crime areas according to his computer assistant as well as also became a likely place to be hit by a new player. The newspapers had half a dozen different names for the thief, but most of the city was just calling her the modern day Robin Hood. Normally a hero the thefts the perpetrator had been doing involved some highly skilled hacking as well as several other skills that M.A.R.Y. deemed a possible threat to her and the local police services. 'Basically I am taking orders from a microwave.' Jake whispered to himself. The problem was that he wasn't by himself which was obvious after his earpiece began to talk back with a nearly feminine mechanical voice. "Jake I assure you I have you on multiple cameras. I am with you." the voice said. Her name was M.A.R.Y. Jake had heard it explained to him what the letters stood for, but could never remember them. Plus he doubted he had enough breath to say the name quick enough. Either way she was more or less the brains of the whole operation he had cooked up. Which was good considering he was nowhere near smart enough to have dived into DNA splicing which resulted in his superhuman abilities. "You have no idea how comfortable that makes me MARY." Jake said with a sarcastic tone. Thankfully it was something she couldn't recognize yet so she simply reassured him again and then fell silent. As he continued to swing from building to building he ordered his mp3 to start playing music. He rarely patrolled without some musical assistance. Tonight he decided on a [url=]Dance / Latin Pop playlist[/url] he found on the internet. It put a kick in his swing as he reached his destination. MARY also interrupted him singing along to play GPS assistance to the obvious. "You are looking for violent crimes or a hooded figure with black themed attire." MARY added. "You basically described probable cause in fashion terms." Jake said with a laugh. "She must be a heck of a looker..." He muttered which once again prompted her to speak. "Several people in multiple reports have described the persons body as likely female with..." The pause made it possible to practically hear calculations going through the processors. "Several have possibly confirmed she was very attractive...Will this be a problem?" Jake laughed a little before asking her to clarify what she meant. "I saw in your online journal that 10 years ago you repeatably stated that you would do anything to be with a beautiful woman." "I was 14 years old!" Jake shouted. He was about to continue to voice a defense; however, he was cut short by MARY who stated she had detected a security system disabling software attack.She gave Jake directions to blocks north and he jumped into action shooting a web and swinging the two blocks silently. When he reached the roof he spotted a body walking down the street. MARY confirmed that there was an over 90 percent possibility that it was the person who had hacked some of the diamond exchange security. Swinging down and landing on the sidewalk he wasn't sure how to approach the person so with a somewhat awkward clearing of the throat he stood there. "You know wearing all black makes you hard to see right?" He finally said after he looked her up and down. He stood somewhat confident even though he was wearing a very similar outfit only it was black and red instead with his hero logo of a extended spider on his chest.