[b]Ruko[/b] As the boys approached the main hall, Ruko became nervous again. They had seen so many girls before without a single one staying, and with their time running out as it was, there was not much to keep their optimism going. Still, they had to try, and this time was already different. The girls had come to the mansion themselves, rather than being taken. That was surely a point in their favor already, wasn't it? Hearing some sort of noise ahead, Ruko hurried to see what it was. One of the girls was already in the hall looking around. Watching her for a moment, he was unsure whether he should wait for his brothers or start introducing himself then. They would probably be there shortly, since they had been walking with him up until a moment ago when he walked ahead. Still, she had probably been waiting long enough already. "Ah... Hello? I hope we haven't kept you waiting..."