X smiled, and decided maybe the poor boy was right. Maybe he should push him the other way, down the path of paranoia and fear. He was already half way there, so that should be much easier. "Yes, you are right. That cage isn't paradise, it is hell. This whole hotel is hell, or is even the hotel. Maybe it worst. Everything is a sign, but everything is also a red herring, and false. You much pay attention to every light detail, while also knowing that every little detail could be a lie, and in fact, most of the details are lie, maybe they are all lies, or maybe they are the true and you think them to be lies, or the other way around and you think them to be true but in fact they are lies. Let me think of the ways I could torture you and possibly killing you, I could devour you whole." he paused, as he used his ability over illusions to turn into a werewolf. "Or possibly suck you dry, and maybe even turn you, then give you a weapon should you do the honorable thing and kill yourself, " he said, doing the same thing, but taking the form of a vampire. "Prehaps, you will be my toy, and when I get done with you, I will throw you away, "this time shifting his appearance to that of a siren. "Or I just might need you as a new host. " he continued, taking the closet appearance of a demon as he could. He then turned invisible, backed up and had all the figures appear in front of him, then fade as he came back into sight. "So many options, so little humans." he said, through out the whole show he keep pushing the emotions of fear, anxiety, confusion, and paranoia. Edward just sat there, watching. He knew that not speaking would be a lot worst than saying anything he could image. Dutch, on the other hand, couldn't help himself, "I can clearly see you are the paragon of mental health." he said, then walking to the far corner of the room and curling up.