Spider-Man was still taking a deep breath of oxygen as Lexi walked over. He looked at her, pulling down the mask fully, not wanting her to be given the chance to even guess it was Peter. As she talked he couldn't help but smile, seeing how nervous she was... she never was nervous... He found it rather cute, and his heart nearly melted as she bit her bottom lip. She handed him the paper, and he put it inside a pocket where one of his web cartridges would have been. "An interview?" he asked, sounding surprised but he saw this question coming. He knew that Peter told her to ask him when she had a chance, and this was a perfect moment. "Well, I'd be honored!" he said, hopping up and giving a slight bow. "Never been asked to a questioning... unless you count the cops when i first started out. They didn't really like me hopping around in this getup..." Spider-Man pointed to his skin tight suit, and shrugged. "I don't know when my schedule will be available... but when i can, I'll swing by." He said, trying not to sound like he was too desperate... it was a change of pace. It was usually news reporters or the Daily Bugle trying to get dirt on him... As they talked he heard another siren way off in to the city. He glanced at Lexi. "Welp. I'd hate to be that guy... but i got a lot of thugs' days to ruin." He gave a small salute as he walked over to James real quick to make sure he was okay, then shot a web in to the air, and zipped off. ----- Peter Parker came back a bit too late, holding buckets of paint and a bag of brushes. "Aunt May, I'm home!" He called out, closing the door with his foot. "Peter! Where have you been, you've been gone for hours!" She said, full of concern. "I'm sorry, but I saw that fire today, and helped the paramedics out with helping hand out oxygen masks... can you really be that mad at me?" he asked, lifting the paint buckets up more. She shook her head. "You are so much like your Uncle... always trying to help... dinner is almost ready. Get washed up." She said, walking back in to the kitchen. Peter smiled a bit to himself, going upstairs to drop his backpack off, and take off his jacket. He was sure he was going to get a call from Lexi talking about how Spider-Man agreed to talk to her... he was nervous beyond belief now. How would he be able to keep himself from being discovered during the interview? He barely made it out today!