Her heart was fluttering, her chest was pounding and she was using every ounce of her strength not shake like a leaf, this had to be one of the most nervous points of her whole life and she was experiencing it tenfold. When he took the paper from her, her heart stopped in anticipation; something that is really the ultimate weapon against a girl. He questioned her wording and she held her breath, preparing herself for rejection or a lecture for asking him for such a thing. But when he said he would be honored, her heart sped up quickly and when he gave her a slight bow, she returned the gesture with a small curtsey. By the time she had let go her lip she bit it again when he said the last questioning he had was about him jumping around in the suite and he proceeded to give her unspoken permission to look at him in the suite. Not only was this real life but this was up close and personal. The man under the suite was tall and toned, muscles defined by the suite gave them notice and shape. It was very attractive and one of the signs that Lexi found someone attractive was when she bit her lip, and instead of nerves filling her eyes, it was attraction and flirtation. “Okay then.” She said as he said he didn’t want to be that guy but he had to go. “I’ll see you around then.” She said brightly giving him a small wave. And yes, she did check him out as he walked away then swung away. In fact she was in such a daze that she didn’t realize her parents were running towards her until her mother’s arms flung around her body. She was too… distracted. ------------------------- If there was one thing that Lexi could sense it was when Aunt May was close to finishing dinner. It was almost like a six sense with food. Her parents had gotten her home and she showered and changed before they gave her a digging of questions as the raven haired girl sat at their kitchen table in one of Peter’s shirts that hung loosely on her frame from one of the nights she crashed at their place and she didn’t bring any night stuff and a pair of dark blue jeans with bright red converse on. It didn’t take long before Mister Archer was over and of course, he brought his son. His son was a nice [url=http://data2.whicdn.com/images/14331334/large.jpg]guy[/url], but he lacked a lot of qualities she looked for in a relationship. He was a stern young man, hard headed and not very bright, but he had a good heart and, what a lot of girls at school saw, a lot of money to his name. “Lexi are you okay?” “I’m fine Rick.” The young man took the seat next to her, in his traditional letterman’s jacket from his countless years of football all throughout their high school. If there were two people to be voted prom king and queen it would be these two but she, really wanted nothing to do with him. “At least we go everyone out of the building.” The adults began to talk about what could have cause it and praised Mister Archer for keeping all the files digitally and was able to save the file the Lexi had brought to him, Rick, whoever, tried to engage her in conversation that she wasn’t really a fan of; football. Poor guy didn’t know much else but that didn’t make him a bad person, just a… hard person to talk to. “So… Mom can I borrow your car? I need to go talk to Peter.” Her mom gave her a look of ‘Rick’s here’ and she returned it with a look of ‘I don’t care’. With that her mom gestured towards her keys that were hanging on the wall. “I’m glad you’re okay Mister Archer and it was nice to see you Rick but I have to talk to Peter, it’s really important.” With that she excused herself, grabbing her purse and her mom’s keys to the wrangler and left. Careful not to speed, Lexi pulled into the driveway and hurried up to the door. Knocking was hard because she had to force herself not to bang until Aunt May opened the door. “Lexi hello! Are you here for dinner?” “Oh dinner!” Lexi said brightly. “That sounds lovely but I do have to talk to Peter right away, is he in his room.” “Yes go on up, and wash up, dinner will be ready soon.” The woman always made amazing food and without fail, made enough for a third person. Lexi ran frantically up the stairs and entered the open door to his room. “Peter!” She said in an overly excited manor. “I took your advice and I have an interview with Spider-Man sometime…” She stopped, her face scrunched together in thought. “Sometime when he’s free.” Her face relaxed and she waved her hand. “I can’t stay for too long, just for dinner. But I need your help.” With that she flopped down on his bed, kicking her shoes off she tucked her feet under her and pulled out a pad of paper with a pen. Avoiding the detailed about how she met him, knowing full well she’d get a lecture from Peter AND Aunt May about why she didn’t tell them in the first place and be bombarded with questions on if she was okay; and most likely being told she was crazy for being the last person to jump. She had a task she needed to finish!! “I told him I’d ask him three questions. And I want to keep it brief, so I don’t take up too much of his time, and I don’t want to ask anything that could compromise who he is. I don’t want to be that person that rats out the superhero.” She shook her head as she scribbled it down on the paper. “I know what my first question is; ‘What inspired you to become a superhero?’ I thought that was a good one. Maybe what inspired him could help inspire others to do good.” She then began to tap the back of the pen against her full bottom lip, a trait she did when she was in deep thought. Her blue gaze moved up to Peter. “What would you want to ask him?”