"Well i mean... I just thought 'what's your favorite type of food' and 'what's your favorite tv show' weren't the best choices to ask a super hero." Peter said bringing humor back in to his voice. Great.He let himself go way too far in to his thoughts. When she started doubting herself, Peter shook his head. "Come on, Lex, its you you're talking about! He'll probably sign up for five more interviews after this one. He won't be able to resist having a conversation with you." And when her question left her lips he stayed quiet. "I think he's got people who help him out a lot..." [i]although they have no idea[/i] he said in his mind. "Look, I know he's a super hero, and every girl's dream" He said the last part with a sarcastic dreamy tone. "But if you keep that smart head of yours, I think you'll get the questions and answers you need... and if you want to put in a good word for me about his pictures, and if he's seen them.... you know." Giving a grin. Aunt may called them down for dinner, and Peter stood up. "Hope you're hungry. Aunt May isn't going to be happy unless everyone gets at least a third helping."