Garrok was pleased to hear the crunch of metal on bone and to see the creature staggering under his attack, but it was apparently too tough to be seriously harmed by it. When the axe came swinging towards him, his first instinct was to block, but that wouldn't do without a shield. The weapon was too long for him to get out of reach, but there was another way. Greataxes are far more powerful than the swords that humans prefer, but they have one big weakness that Garrok had become familiar with over the years. He reluctantly dropped his improvised flail with a loud [i]thunk[/i] and dashed forward, out of the trajectory of the shining silver axe head. There, he spun towards the creature's oncoming swing, put his arms out and braced for impact. When the weapon reached him, the shaft hit his hands with surprising force, but it was only blunt force. The swing didn't stop for him and instead he was swept off the ground for a mere moment and flung off several yards to the side, out of the creature's range. For a moment he feared the beast's follow-up attack, but was relieved to see it turn around. He clumsily crawled to his feet, ignoring the road rash on his back, and took a moment to rub the painful palms of his hands. The rodent-like creature was the monster's new target, but Garrok wouldn't risk going for the ball and chain again just yet, in case the creature would suddenly turn around. From the chatter it appeared one of his incidental allies may have set up a trap of some sort, so for now he just awaited what would happen next, hoping for a better opportunity to attack.