[i]Should it be tonight? Or did it look like Spider-Man would be too desperate to answer her call? Or would it show that he took her words in and didn't want to let her down?[/i] Peter's mind was so focused on Lexi and the kiss and her interview that it was making it very tiring walking to his backpack, backing out and walking back to his bed, and then back to his backpack... It was the least he could do... answer these questions for not only the people, but for her... to say things he wanted to say to her since he got bitten by that spider... He sighed, and got up, and finally taking the suit out of the backpack. --- "If i were a cop, you would be getting a strict lecture on being out past curfew." Said Spider-Man landing on the roof of Lexi Rogers. "But as your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, i would ask 'are you ready for my interview?" Spidey said, looking at the woman who was still wearing Peter's shirt, grasping her notes. He crouched near the edge of the roof, not wanting to be too close to Lexi, but not too far. "How are you feeling? You know, after the whole fire thing..." he asked her, his masked face looking at her's. He couldn't help that her lips were shining in the light...