She had been the one at the end of the line, the one who offered the drinks to go with the food. it was her usual spot around here, because the people knew she wasn't comfortable being in the middle of two others. People who worked for the homeless shelters always were kind. As she served each person as they came up, she wondered about getting the regular volunteers presents. Does she still need an occasion for something like that, she wondered. Or is it ok now days to give gifts for no reason? She was in the throws of her evenly paced rhythm when she was startled out of it by the sound of a tray hitting the floor. With a quiet apology, she re-poured the person's drink. once that was over, she leaned to get a better look at the one who dropped his tray, naturally a bit worried. "Are you ok, sir? You can get another tray, if you need to" Of course she didn't know it was a hunter. She had no reason to believe any of these guys were out to get her. And although she had entertained the idea that her building reputation would bring someone out of the woodworks to kill her, she was at work. She had no time to think about it.