Fuyuto was impressed Malachi shot the other two boars so accurately and swiftly. "Well, I knew they came in packs, I am just more hungry then I thought." he replied to Mal, smiling. As he could see Rena was somewhat impressed by Fuyuto's skill, before he could answer, he was interrupted with another question. "Not quite yet. I probably can if I had some food." he said, attempting to get up, but proving impossible for himself with so little energy. He smiled, although he was exhausted, he was going to get some help by these Malachi and Rena, and he made a good impression on them in terms of his ability. These were the first people he had actually spoken to in a while. "I'm sorry, but could you either help me up or could I ask for a little food?" he smiled, with a loud grumbling from his stomach. He decided he would explain himself later about Rena's initial question and just get some help first.